Saturday, July 30, 2011

No one alive to tell of how it was

 The last ten years of politics in the U.S. has been filled with so many lies that it the level leads me to believe a live in a bad distorted painting.  Starting with the Florida recount, to 9/11, the Iraq War, the sheep lines at the airports, the created housing bumble, the closing of 50,000 manufacturers at the taxpayers expense, the voting machines in the state of Ohio for the second stolen election, the Wall Street gift from taxpayers.

The great hope of change never came with the election of Obama.  He maybe smart but he is not wise.  Or maybe he fears assassination, it is a way of keeping people in line.  It is pretty well know that 'the group' met with him.

Now we are left with a nation with no one remembering the great depression.  No one alive who speaks for the true history of pain, death and hunger to these foolish people in the plastic globe of Washington.  Napolean said the poor don't murder these people because of religion, well, he really said they don't murder the wealthy because of religion.  I wonder if it is time to scare the hell out of some power folks in Washington and Wall Street. Oh, don't be shocked I think that, our water, our food and our air poisoned by their policy.  Life and death is of no concern to them.

Wisdom comes with smarts and experience.  That places lack men of wisdom and this nation will have to learn about hunger and death because of it, again.

Crumbling nation ruled by ignorant people will activate the population, one day the thing will explode into change.  Just as I told a friend ten years ago you can't start a war and put it on a credit card, give a tax break and put it on a credit card.  Ten years later, ten years later grandma doesn't need medicine or Social Society checks because we should pay the bill on the war.  There is no wisdom in Washington.  When the NYT food section features a story about trash food and the benefits of it, it is time for a revolution!