Saturday, February 9, 2013

things I learn this week

Eight Senators on Monday voted not to consider the re-authorization of the Violence Against Women Act, a bill that protects victims of domestic violence. The Senators who voted against moving to debate on the bill were: Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT), Tim Scott (R-SC), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Rand Paul (R-KY), Pat Roberts (R-KS), and James Risch (R-ID).

Why are they all white and Republican and from red states?  

Instead of just grabbing bleach for disinfecting one can use a combination of vinegar and baking soda.  A quarter of a cup of each in a five gallon pile for 20 minutes will clean up most fungus or bacteria.   Another approach is oregano, the herb.  A little oil of oregano or some crushed leaves in a bag will disinfecting any item.  Now we know another reason why our ancestors uses herbs frequently.  I found that a half cup of baking soda in my washing machine works very well in keeping my whites their original color.  The reason for considering using less bleach is our water system, less chemicals. 

A way to have less problems with raccoons and squirrels is to use a product called Nixalite.  It can be purchase off the Internet and my gardening friends have had good results.  Of course, a pit bull dog also works but then that is another issue. If you are a gardening in urban or rural settings raccoon s are a big problem and they can wrap out a crop in one evening. 

If planting fruit,  consider plums instead of apples trees.  In many ways they are easier to grow and healthier to eat and simpler to preserve. Stanley as an European along with Brooks plum.  Europeans plums hold on the tree for 10-14 days.  Japanese plums are very juicy hold less time on the tree, 7-10 days, bloom earlier which maybe a froze problem.  Hollywood variety, Japanese ,  is a landscape beauty for every front yard and is an excellent tree for fruit.  

I have lost my daily interest in politics because I watched the history  of New York City that was produced for PBS a few years ago.  I got it on Netflix and found it a very informative and entertaining series to watch.  Frankly, watching this history taught me in a kernel, the history of the U.S. This country was there before-- politically.  It had the very same exact political non function, greed driven, imbalances in the last century.  Sadly, the only differences this time is we as a nation has done some serious damage to our water, air and soil this time around.   The million year type damage, I fear.  We'll see.  Oh they will work it out after a shock or tragedy that shakes the core of this nation.  In the meantime, I don't use chemicals on my one quarter acre, I compost and live as much as possible in a green charitable manner. 

The waves of immigrants is covered in this series.  All of us European blooded Americans should view this film periodically to be reminded of what bravery is all about.