Sunday, March 27, 2011

Plums, Potatoes and Radishes

           As long as this particular winter seems to have been, spring is even more a season of time staling and standing in place.  The temperatures are not the issue as much as too many rainy days making the ground hold all these ponds around my area. They are the reminder that the soil is probably too wet for me to get excited about planting.

            The plum tree is fully in bloom in the front yard and is getting a lot of comments from John and the grandchildren.  I have seen one humming bird near it but no Mason bees. I am going to take one of my fine watercolor brushes and see if I have the touch to pollinate fruit trees.  I understand in China they hire people on a regular bases to do the pollinating of trees.

      I have sprouted some peas, radishes and spinach in the house on a heating pad.  They has made it to the raised beds but now wait for the warmth of the sun.  Just hanging out, I could say.

        Radishes has taken over my curiosity this year, this is the climate I imagine that they would do very well.  I shop at a little store front Vietnamese grocer and am very interesting in the vegetables I have no word for. The idea that I may be missing something that I could enjoy cooking and eating has me staring at them,  week after week.  This has lead me to buy Daikon radishes this winter and I am growing comfortable throwing them in soup and on salads.  I use the computer to find ways of cooking with them.  The Kitazawa Seed Company has three pages of radishes listed and each are described as if they were, each, the lead star in a movie.  There are Chinese radish, small radishes, Japanese radishes, Korean and giant white radishes plus radishes that are grown because their leaves are tender and good flavor.  I  want to serve myself a platter of radishes this summer of sorted colors and tastes, maybe photograph it and them paint them.  Don't they serve radish tea sandwiches in parts of the world?  The fact is this climate was not made to grow tomatoes, maybe radishes are the answer!

         On Friday, the afternoon was a teaser, the sun was out and it was warm and the memories of past springs and summers made everyone rush out of buildings to experience a new season.  My grandchildren and I planted some potatoes.  These potatoes were harvested from last fall and were in the garage and had sprouted eyes.  I viewed that as losers as far as eating but organic as seed potatoes to plant.   I was very careful to plant them in clean soil but after following that rule, I broke all the rest.  I followed Carol Deppe's theory, cut a piece with an eye and put it in the ground.  No dipping in stuff, no drying out, no spacing and measuring.  Put them in the ground.  Then I covered the whole area with some leaves that were piled all winter to protect my two figs trees. (That didn't work out so well)  As the weeks go by I will be checking my potatoes to see if they grow, if they need more soil build up and I will harvest a few very early as fingerling.   My grandchildren enjoyed the project for a couple rows but there were there long enough that they now know how to plant potatoes.  I want them to know how to grow their own food


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


"""""""""House Repubs Vote That Earth Is Not Warming

All Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted against an amendment that states that global warming exists, regardless of cause.
John Rennie comments.
Congress has finally acted on global warming—by denying it exists. It’s in the grand lawmaking tradition of the Indiana state legislature’s 1897 attempt to redefine the value of pi.

The Republican-led House of Representatives is currently working on the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011, which would bar the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating carbon dioxide emissions to mitigate climate change.

In the House Energy and Commerce Committee, California Democrat Henry Waxman had proposed an amendment calling on Congress to at least acknowledge that “warming of the climate system is unequivocal,” just as abundant scientific evidence confirms.

But on Tuesday, March 15, all the committee’s Republicans voted down that amendment, as well as two others acknowledging the threat of climate change to public well-being. Rep. Ed Markey, Democrat from Massachusetts, had this to say:

“I rise in opposition to a bill that repeals the scientific finding that pollution is harming our people and our planet. However, I won’t rise physically, because I’m worried that Republicans will overturn the law of gravity, sending us floating.”
—John Rennie"""""""""""

Saturday, March 12, 2011

today's thought

If we really want to end life on earth, other than rats and cockroaches, why not just detonate all our nuclear weapons and melt down our nuclear power plants right now and get it over with. Or if you want to postpone it a little bit, just start using nuclear weapons in the middle east? If we are shy, just build more nuclear power plants on fault lines and wait for the inevitable. Our governments are really insane. To the extent that we have democracy, our voters are insane too. I am absolutely disgusted. The children of today deserved so much better than this.

Jean-David Beyer [ ] - 2011-03-12 13:07:42
House Panel Votes to Strip E.P.A. of Power to Regulate Greenhouse Gases

It is almost impossible to overemphasize the stupidity of the Republican position. In another 10 years people will be screaming, "why didn't we do something?" But, by then, it will be far too late. We are all -- Republicans, Democrats, Independents -- going to live with the benighted attitudes this vote represents. This is not a partisan comment. I would say the same thing if the Democrats had voted in that way. The facts are clear, ideology is just noise.

JOHN M. BRODER - The New York Times

WASHINGTON - A House subcommittee voted on Thursday to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of its power to regulate greenhouse gases, chipping away at a central pillar of the Obama administration’s evolving climate and energy strategy.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Child of the 60's

As a teenager and young adult of the 60's I remember how the people on the streets changed America, it is time again to go to the streets. The following says it better than I could possibly express myself on the subject.

No Other Way Out

Posted on Feb 28, 2011

By Chris Hedges
I have watched mothers and fathers keening in grief over the frail corpses of their children in hospitals in Gaza and rural villages in El Salvador, Bosnia and Kosovo. The faces of these dead children, their bodies ripped apart by iron fragments or bullets tumbling end over end through their small, delicate frames, appear to me almost daily like faint and sadly familiar ghosts. The frailty and innocence of my own children make these images difficult to bear. 
A child a day dies in war-related violence in Afghanistan. Children die in roadside explosions. They die in airstrikes. They die after militants lure them to carry suicide bombs, usually without their knowledge. They die in firefights. They are executed by the Taliban after being accused, sometimes correctly, of spying for the Afghan National Army. They are tiny pawns in a futile and endless war. They are robbed of their childhood. They live in fear and surrounded by the terror of indiscriminate violence. The United Nations, whose most recent report on children in Afghanistan covered a two-year period from Sept. 1, 2008, to Aug. 30, 2010, estimates that in the first half of last year at least 176 children were killed and 389 more wounded. But the real number is probably much, much higher. There are big parts of the country where research can no longer be carried out. 
We will not stop the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, we will not end this slaughter of innocents, unless we are willing to rise up as have state workers in Wisconsin and citizens on the streets of Arab capitals. Repeated and sustained acts of civil disobedience are the only weapons that remain to us. Our political system is as broken and dysfunctional as that once presided over in Egypt by Hosni Mubarak. We must be willing to accept personal discomfort, to put our bodies in the way of the machine, if we hope to expose the lies of war and blunt the abuse by corporate profiteers. To do nothing, to refuse to act, to be passive, is to be an agent of injustice and to be complicit in murder. The U.N. report estimates that during the two-year period it studied almost 1,800 children were killed or injured in conflict-related violence, but numbers can never transmit the reality of such suffering.
On March 19, the eighth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, I will join a coalition of U.S. military veterans from Iraq Veterans Against the War, March Forward!, Vietnam Veterans Against the War and Veterans for Peace who will gather in Lafayette Park across from the White House. The veteran-led action will result in numerous arrests, as did a Dec. 16 protest organized by Veterans for Peace. It will seek, because it is all we have left, to use our bodies to challenge the crimes of the state.
It does not matter if this protest or any other does not work. It does not matter if we are 500, as we were in December, or 50. It does not matter if the event is covered in the press or ignored. It matters only that those of us who believe in the rule of law, who find the organized sadism of war and militarism repugnant and who seek to protect the sanctity of life rise up. If we do not defend these virtues they will be extinguished. No one in power will defend them for us. Protests are rending the fabric of the U.S.-backed dictatorships in Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, Egypt and Libya. They are flickering to life in the U.S. in states like Wisconsin. And they are beginning to convulse Iraq. Iraqis, for whom eight years of war and occupation have brought nothing but misery and death, are surrounding government buildings to denounce their puppet government. They are rising up to demand jobs, basic services including electricity, a reining in of our mercenary killers, some of whom have been used to quell restless crowds, and a right to determine their own future. These protesters are our true allies, not the hired thugs we pay to repress them.
We are wasting $700 million a day to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, while our teachers, firefighters and police lose their jobs, while we slash basic assistance programs for the poor, children and the elderly, while we turn our backs on the some 3 million people being pushed from their homes by foreclosures and bank repossessions and while we do nothing to help the one in six American workers who cannot find work. These wars have taken hundreds of thousands of lives. They have pushed millions into refugee or displacement camps. They have left young men and women severely crippled and maimed. They have turned our nation into an isolated pariah, fueling the very terrorism we seek to defeat. And they cannot be won. The sooner we leave Iraq and Afghanistan the sooner we will save others and finally save ourselves.
There will be veterans in the park who carry with them physical and emotional wounds of great magnitude, who remain crippled by the dead hand of war, who never sleep well, who struggle in the black pit of depression and with post-traumatic stress disorder, and who will bear the cross that war inflicted upon them until the end of their days. They will have surmounted tremendous psychic and physical pain to make it to Lafayette Park, to defy what they know must be defied. And if they can walk their trail of tears to the White House so can you. They are our wounded healers, our disregarded prophets.
Hugh Thompson, a helicopter pilot who while flying saw the killings of unarmed Vietnamese civilians in what later became known as the My Lai massacre, landed in the village during the slaughter. He spotted a group of about 10 civilians, including children, running toward a homemade bomb shelter. Soldiers from the 2nd Platoon, C Company, were chasing the civilians. Thompson, dismounting from the cockpit, put himself between the civilians and the soldiers. He ordered his gunner to open fire on the Americans if they began to shoot the villagers or him. Later, Thompson, who crusaded for justice after then-Maj. Colin Powell led the official whitewash of My Lai, received death threats. Mutilated animals were tossed on his doorstep. He was unsung for decades and forgotten until shortly before his death in 2006. He exhibited real courage, moral courage, the kind of courage the state detests, the kind of courage for which they do not mint medals.
Bradley Manning, who allegedly downloaded thousands of documents and videos that confirmed war crimes by U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and passed them on to WikiLeaks, is being held in a military brig in Quantico, Va. He has been kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day and denied exercise, a pillow or sheets for the last nine months. His prolonged isolation is designed to break him physically and psychologically. There will be a protest outside Quantico on March 20 in support of Manning, another soldier from another war whom Thompson would have understood.
The documents published by WikiLeaks detailed for the world the widespread use of torture by Iraqi and Afghan security forces and the silent complicity of Washington. They confirmed that civilians, including children, are routinely murdered by occupation forces and that the killings are not investigated. The documents lifted the veil on our undeclared, black war in Pakistan, including drone strikes that have killed more than 900 civilians in Pakistan since Barack Obama took office. They shed light on the gross corruption, drug trafficking and crimes committed by the Afghan president as well as the reign of terror carried out by the Afghan National Army. These documents confirm that huge numbers of Iraqi civilians have been killed by U.S. troops at checkpoints, and that since the invasion tens of thousands of civilians have died as a result of the war. These documents illustrate in page after page that our government makes no effort to protect liberty, democracy or human rights, but instead prefers crude and brutal mechanisms of power.
The Obama administration, which has proved as efficient in serving the war machine and the corporate state as the Bush administration did, is attempting to destroy not only Manning but WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The state seeks to silence anyone who practices moral courage. It does not want the truth heard. It does not want the reality seen. If these forces of war and greed triumph, and we do not, there will be darkness. But if on March 19 there is at least one person willing to defy the state, to demand justice at the cost of his or her freedom, there will be a flame held to light the way for us all.