Saturday, March 12, 2011

today's thought

If we really want to end life on earth, other than rats and cockroaches, why not just detonate all our nuclear weapons and melt down our nuclear power plants right now and get it over with. Or if you want to postpone it a little bit, just start using nuclear weapons in the middle east? If we are shy, just build more nuclear power plants on fault lines and wait for the inevitable. Our governments are really insane. To the extent that we have democracy, our voters are insane too. I am absolutely disgusted. The children of today deserved so much better than this.

Jean-David Beyer [ ] - 2011-03-12 13:07:42
House Panel Votes to Strip E.P.A. of Power to Regulate Greenhouse Gases

It is almost impossible to overemphasize the stupidity of the Republican position. In another 10 years people will be screaming, "why didn't we do something?" But, by then, it will be far too late. We are all -- Republicans, Democrats, Independents -- going to live with the benighted attitudes this vote represents. This is not a partisan comment. I would say the same thing if the Democrats had voted in that way. The facts are clear, ideology is just noise.

JOHN M. BRODER - The New York Times

WASHINGTON - A House subcommittee voted on Thursday to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of its power to regulate greenhouse gases, chipping away at a central pillar of the Obama administration’s evolving climate and energy strategy.

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