Monday, June 20, 2011

News from Japan, Soup is the answer

Miso Soup everyday.  Boil a cup or two of water with 1/4 cup of veg in it---garlic scapes (they are coming in now), chopped green top onions, sea weed(buy right not in the store as in the future they will be contaminated), carrots, anything.  Then shut off the heat and add a teaspoon of Miso per cup of water. Miso should never be boiled.  Now you have a broth to drank.  Make it small batches, that is better than saving and warming up later.  Miso can to added at the last minute to any soup much like you would add chicken or beef base to a soup.

Miso Soup and Sea weed are the two items that saved people from cancer after the bombing of Japan 60 years ago.  

Other safety tips, don't drink milk or dairy products produced locally, sea food and meat is now on a list of food to avoid and don't exercise or play outside during rainy days.  Frankly, there is no other day to deal with this event that I have read about.

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