Saturday, February 4, 2012

Some finial thoughts about recent travels

       While out of the country visiting Grahamstown, South Africa,  I had a chance to sense my country from a longer view and listen to non-Americans opinion of the super power of the world, as they call United States.

        They use that term more than I would have thought considering all the domestic problems Americans talk about endlessly.  People are very concern that Americans have to figure out a way to take serious the role of leading the world out of this financial crisis, stop the crazy talk during this political campaign season and set an example of genuine thoughtfulness about world issues.  There is a fear that American politicians don't understand how important their role is for the rest of the world.

      I call the whites I met, 'the last white skinned nomads of the world'. I smile thinking about my ancestors crossing the Atlantic because they needed food and opportunity. Few of the whites I met over the month have lived in only one country, they also have a sense of always looking for more opportunity and moving where ever that offers itself. I found most whites in Grahamstown brighter than average Americans, more aware of the total economics of Africa and the world, often discussing countries the way citizens here talk about different states.  They are easy to meet and very generous in their openness.

           The lifestyle reminds me of this country 25 years ago.  They they socialize in a manner that is less frequently done in this country. There is a strong sense of community and connections with neighbors.  This is in spite of the fact, they are as high tech and wired  as this country is.

            The other observation is how outdated New York Kennedy airport is compared to Johannesburg, South Africa.  Why has this country let it's public spaces and inter structure fall to third world level? People are more helpful, cheerful and polite overseas in the travel industry.  The attitude that the market place will do it or that small government is the answer is wrong.  Look at our trains, our planes and our airports.  Look at our highways systems, most were built or designed 50 years ago under Eisenhower .  We have become a third world nation yet we are the richest country the planet has ever known.  We as a society have spend our resources building a military complex and put our resources toward that, at the expense, of the general good of the population in this country. 

            Frankly put, it is a pleasure to fly South Africa Airlines and it is a constant pain and embarrassment to fly most American airlines.


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