Saturday, March 3, 2012

               It struck me yesterday as I saw the worst weather in rain, tornadoes and winds swipe across the middle of the country, who is going to help these communities?.  This is two months early for a spring events like this to happen.  I would like to hear GOP Senators from those states including the leadership tells us about small government.  The need for everyone to take care of themselves, put themselves up with their boot straps, lower taxes, stay out of their lives.  I want all those Senators that feel, talk and sing that song to tell your citizens this morning that there is no help coming to their communities.  No federal money will be used to help bury their dead, rebuild their power system, clean up the damage, rebuild their schools or roadways.  The GOP and Libertarian system of government out of our lives should be enforced by at the wishes of all those Senators during this time in their states.  The real truth is that most Red States have always taken more from the federal government that they have paid in.  It is time for someone to call them out of it loud and strong.

Second event this week.  The priest that belong to the Catholic Church but doesn't follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.  How is it that a man like that working for large institution could be that cruel to another human being at a funeral?  Are these the last of the what the church as for staff?   Jesus Christ's teachings were completely the opposite of this man's actions.

Sex and birth control are favorite subjects for people that are controlling and small minded.  There are for needs of all humans - food, water, sleep and sex.  When in the world will politicians move on to the issues that governments are set up to deal with like taxes, justice, general welfare, peace, education, energy and transportation.   The Catholic Church and the whole Evangelist movement should take a lesson from the Amish, live your principles but don't try to enforce your theocratic beliefs on others.

Russ Limburg makes a business of being shocking and out there but his lack of intelligence was showing this week while talking about the birth control pill.  How is it that a man over the age of 25 doesn't understand how, why and the many reason the pill is taken?  He is truly lacking in knowledge.  Now I would like to know when the public discuss of Viagra is the topic for a week in this country and it is discussed by all the lawmakers rather it should be covered as a health issue.  There is a serious need for more women to enter politics.

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