Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Self destruct

I attended a support group for Caregivers last night.  The take away from it was that it is depressing to get old in this country.  The structures of our society are not in place to care for seniors unless you have unlimited funds to pay for them.  It is assumed that,  each person, each family has a private bank to fund what is necessary and those that are not in that situation, should be faceless.  The same for the jobless, the returning VETs, the poor that can not afford a higher education or the young that need head start. The key to quality of life in this country based on owning a bank.

For twenty years my GOP friends has commented, "well the science is not sure on global warming".   That propaganda of the oil company has been so successful,  the lie is a main stream truth in the American conversation.  It is stopped the research and development of progressive ways of living our lives on a massive scale.  Now our globe has a fever and it probably is going to be sick for decades if not centuries. 

Take one part of that picture and focus on our bodies.  I am, 77% water, if I remember biology correctly.  So everything that is in our oceans, lakes, rivers, ground water can pass though my body.  I need that water to live.  All those chemicals of Monsanto, DuPont, Jet fuel, the pharmaceuticals, the plastics,  all that is in my 77% body water now.  Each of us is a water reservor walking around consuming the nearest water.  The neighbour using weed and feed, the spray on orchards, the plastic lining that soup can, the chemicals on my clothes to make it fire retarded, the pills the guy down the street takes,  they are in my water supply now and in the food I eat. 

How does a society fail so badly to protect itself from destruction?

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