Friday, October 26, 2012


             The political farce has reached the point I could not turn on the t.v. yesterday.  Now I believe the election will not be clean and decided so the results will be a period of confusion and shouting for days.  This is the last election of the old white male race in this country and they know it. ...why else  so much  voter suppression?

              GOP has used that tactic for the last three cycles. FL. in 2000 with 60,000 blacks knocked off  the voting roles by Jeb Bush,,,the the machines in Ohio in 2004 that were counted in TN. and the computer expert died in a plane crash before the investigation really got under way.  Each of those state made the difference in those elections.   If the votes was not overwhelming for Obama in '08,  he would have not won.  There is strong evidence that some of the same things when on but the vote margins were too big to allow the upset to happen.

             How is it that one of the candidates of a major party doesn't speak out about this voter suppression.  

           The Hispanic are fastest growing voting block, hardest working group with the most drive and they will not vote for a GOP this time.  The Old Men's Club only see brown skin and don't even care about their interests.   

            Any woman that votes GOP  believes in a man dominated,  patriarchal society.  This rape/abortion/birth control/ virginal probing/  front is really about control of women and their bodies.   If any of these men were grabbed in the street, dragged into an alleyway, thrown to the garbage strewn ground, and multiply sodomized perhaps they would have a clearer idea about what rape really is.  They probably would also know HIV for the rest of their lives. God wants this. What kind of head injury do these men have?

            If the issue was truly about the value of life then these old white men would financially help young families raise children.  There will be the money for head start, healthy food and great education for the poor.  They would put the value of a child's life as the most important item on the budget each year aong with help t all families.  The pentagon is the top money spender in the budget now.  Those old white men are the ones, Jesus spoke about in the bible, the Pharisees. 

            There is a quiet but solidly growing chatter about taxing  religious property now and it going to catch hold because of the loud voice the churches have had politically in this election.  Church leaders know about the separation of church and state in this country and they have pushed it to the limit with most people out there.  There is a minority of people that believe their morality is more important, superior to others, they don't understand the difference personal morality and legislated law.



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