Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Year End Dinner Party Guest List Continues

            Charles, Price of Wales I would like to sit at my table because he is an organic farmer.  While waiting around for his job title as King he as found a passion for farmer, ecology, horticulture, watercolor painting and design of cities and villages.  His passions has replaced disappointing lack of opportunity to rule from the British throne.  Being born in that dysfunctional family Charles seems to have make a career of searching for meaning in his life in the most common of occupations - a farmer, yes growing his own food.

           Another royal I would like to spent time with one evening at a dinner table is King of Jordan for the opposite reasons as the British man.  Hussein was born in 1962 educated extensively in the United States, lived around the world and very suddenly made King in the sea of whirl pools of politically dead ends. His blood line is connected to the religious founder of Muslims and his country's historic sites tells of very ancient people, yet his education was largely Western.
I would question his views of what the future holds for peoples in the region country by country with the mix of his genes and his education.

             The last two gentleman are from the famous world of entertainment and California.  Stedman Graham, life partner of Oprah and Steven Spielberg. 

              Graham has been the silent partner to the most singular  successful Mississippian black woman this country has seen.  There is no lower place of birth than being born in that state and with that skin color.   Graham has been at her side for thirty some years and seen the raise of fame, wealth and international recognition showered on Oprah.  What funtion has he played?  What events and decisions did he play a capital role for her? 

               So little is known about his man Spielberg except the movies he produces.  What are his guiding principles that makes that repeated success on film and in his personal life?   Has he learn them over the years or are they basic to his personality?  I once heard that he believes if others know of your charity then it will not count in the afterlife, credit was received here on earth!  I wonder about other principles that guide him.

              The evening will have a beautiful set table and simple food of perhaps  Moroccans dishes.  It would please the vegetarians along with those who eat meat and love spicy food.  Water with mint and rose petals along with a selection of wine for drinking.  Candle light and soft unidentifiable music will add to the evening.

              This dinner party will be added to many ones I have hosted with less known people but just as interesting.

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