Monday, June 1, 2009

chickens and kansas

I never knew that chickens liked the color red, have no sweat glands, in the wild had only about 25 eggs a year and that they still like to settle on the highest place possible for the night.

NW Chickens 101 was offered Sunday afternoon and I went only because I wanted to know what other people locally used for bedding. Well, I found that out, but I also learned that the casual conversation that my friends had suggested raising chickens was simple maybe have been misleading. To do it well, you have to also know a lot about disease, food, and seasons.

Tonight my chickens found a sand pit in the yard and took a bath for 30 minutes while I watered the vegetable beds. I am beginning to see the peck order with the chickens that talked about in class.

The weather we are having is the same as moving to Kansas, that is how I look at it. The weather in later May and now fore cast for the next week is so unusual the state of Washington has been misplaced. The guy fore casting has been about 10 degrees short each day and he says Friday is going to be 89. I can't believe how my new transplanted, young vegetable garden is going to survive. I have always wanted more heat but not this early in the growing season, they are too tender and require two watering a day.

The heat has also affected my energy level. I am up early and out watering by 6:30 but by 10 o'clock the day is over. I have not only moved to Kansas but Spain and Mexico! I would normally plant more seed but don't know it they would dry out in two days.

I sprayed all the fruit trees and berry bushes this morning with calcium. Tomorrow I will spray again with the mineral booster but in my heart I believe water is the answer for my young orchard.

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