Monday, May 25, 2009

The first warm days of spring are there is so much to do in the yard and garden that it is overwhelming. I feel all the penned up day dreams of the winter have to be done in the first five days.

My tomato starts look so sickly compared to the nursery's that I have started giving them a booster. I have been taught not to use Miracle Grow. The long list of reasons, mentally, I understand but then I have to consciously think about my home make magic. The easiest and quickest is from the grocery shelve, Brer Rabbit Molasses. Some say that is all one would need. I add also from the nursery a liquified organic kelp --seaweed extract and Superthrive. I have had the same small bottles for three years now but this summer I will be using it more as I feel my soil is in need of much.

Potatoes have not interested me until this year. I have a narrow side six foot area along a side fence not seen or used. This is the year to experiment. Since potatoes and strawberries are the mostly heavily sprayed with pesticides I want to see if the difference in taste is as great as it is in strawberries. John and I have moved miles away from potatoes as we have aged but part of that is we have developed a taste for dried beans. It is said a home grown potato is so good you don't need that butter and sour cream, we'll see.

The other thing I am trying this year is a Peruvian ground cherry plant, well, two of them. They are related to tomatoes, very easy to grow spread three to six feet in two directions and have small yellow cherry like fruit that taste a little like strawberry or pineapple. Can be eaten fresh or dried for winter use. The Peruvian man that sold the plants to me also explained about saving sticks the plant to start next years. I am going to try making my grow up a sunny fence.

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