Thursday, July 23, 2009

a banker's view and eggs

John and I talk to a investor banker yesterday because we are moving our IRA's. This guy in his forties repeated things that his boss had been told by a guy higher up that attended a video conference from a talking head from Wharton School of Economics who is frequently on CNBC. A perfect example of the trickle down theory in place. I understood immediately that the gentleman sitting in front of me knows nothing about investments nor does he thinks for himself. He is the same type of the robot that worked for big brokerage houses that sold Madoff's paper, that pedaled stocks that Merrill Lynch pushed or Smith Barney list of top stocks to own.

We, as a society, have lost the ability to reason and question. What items do we make in this country as you walk around our homes? What is it that your neighbors are doing for jobs? Are they happy with pride in their skills or are they working because if they quit they will have no health insurance? The sign of our society collapsing is all around us.

Jim Roger, the investor guru, says most currencies last about 70 years. It take little math to figure out the days of this empire are sliding. Our currency is based on debt now, backed by nothing and the printing presses are rolling at the will of a small group of men connected to the financial markets.

The banker was amazed that I was not believing in the 'green shots'.

I believe in self reliance these days. I am more conservative than my Republican friends, I plan of how I can build a network of surviving in this community with the help of a few family members and friends. That is why I have studied about rotating my vegetable beds, and how many seed starts I need for a fall garden and the best ways to preserve my tomatoes from this summer's garden. I am learning about keeping my laying hens healthy so I have eggs all year around. This is the way, all people lived until the last 50 years. There is nothing new about this.

I did not tell the banker about self reliance, he would not understood.
This banker will not control my investments, he knows nothing about fresh eggs.

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