Friday, July 10, 2009

destine for long service

The small hocked rug in an old kitchen that badly needed remodeling did catch my eye. The peach colored flowers and the pale green leaves that boarded them were beginning to fade but yet it was someone's handy work.

Over the next 25 years the kitchen got remodeled twice, the rug got moved to the more distant corners of the upper bedrooms and corner porches of the big house. Still, I could never bring myself to throw out the rug. It even made the truck for the big move to the west coast.

First it landed as the rug in the garage at the kitchen door, then it found a home in the tool shed adding a homey touch to the new Asian looking structure. The colors can still be identified, it is probably now 50 years old but carries itself with little actual wear. Today it will have whole new service life.

Chickens are raised in most urban sittings for two reasons their eggs and their manure. The eggs, of course, are organic, healthier and at hand. Manure is prize for the compost pile and is used as fertilizer on the vegetable beds. The mixture of fresh grass cuttings, chicken manure, little soil and water need to be covered with a blanket type object to create heat. New carpet pieces would have all the chemicals of the modern world and would undo the mission of organic living. My dear beloved 3 by 5 rug that has been part of my life for over 30 years is being moved into service. It is funny have some items in life connect the thread of our lifes.

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