Ellison Bay, Wisconsin has about 250 residences, is known now, as a resort town in Door County. Settled in the mid 1800's by pioneers, mostly from Scandinavian Countries that fished and did lumbering along the shores of Green Bay. Much of it's charm is due to the unchanging nature of the village since the 1940's. A few art galleries, a Pioneer Store that serves as their seven/eleven store and a couple well-known eateries plus the post office and two churches make up the village today.
Perhaps it's most famous resident is Ted Olson, the conservative, Solicitor General of President Bush. Olson was instrumental winning the Supreme Court case for Bushes first term in office. Barbara Olson his wife was a public media figure.
Barbara was on flight 77 on 9/11, and reported by Ted, to have made two short phone calls. These are very important calls because it from those calls came the words, "box cutter or cardboard cutters". These words were the reason all of us around the world now line up at airports and get searched. That is the only phone call that uses those words, that introduced those words to the world.
The FBI in a trial in 2006 enter evidence about all the phone calls on the day of 9/11. Barbara Olson made one cell phone call, it was unconnected. The plane did not have an installed phone system.
Theodore B. Olson told the world about box cutters. It is a fairy tale. The phone calls never happened. Did he lie or was he duped?
In the meantime, we have all become sheep lining up, the wool hanging over our eyes afraid to say the wrong words at the airport handing over our forgotten nail clippers, pocket knives, wine openings. All for the most famous man from Ellison Bay, Wisconsin.
The Canadian Broadcasting system has done stories on this and many short you tube stories also cover it. It is never mentioned in the United States media. The sheep herders would not allow it.
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