Saturday, March 27, 2010

There is all sorts of terrorist

When I see angry people in the street protesting, it reminds me of the late 60's but there is a difference.
The civil rights protesters were trained to focus on non violence, no matter what pain they suffered from the authorities, they remained focus as a group.  Protesters did not carry guns,  in the 60's they did not shouts racial hate, they did not spit, they did not claim their God better than anyone's else God.  They marched in peace, oh, they confronted the power, but it was in a noble manner. 

These mobs of uneducated people today can't understand the facts, are easily  manipulated by corporate  sponsors and rating driven personalities that have no love of our country.   It has reached the point of name calling by the media, that the GOP can't even take on the tail that is controlling the dog.  The GOP is now afraid of the personalities that help them create the climate of  anger.
Those personalities have always said it was about rating not the news or facts.

Remember the story of a man in a wheelchair with Parkinson disease in Washington D.C. last week-end.  That man has a Master degree and a Doctorate degree and was stricken at age 35. .   The mob started shouting at him, then throwing coins and dollars bills toward him,  mocking him. 

Well, one of the guy that throw money at the man was interviewed this week.  He said that he has not slept since that day.  He doesn't know what came over him, he thinks maybe it was the movement of the crowd, the mob. He is so ashamed, he can't understand what happened for him to behavior this way.

Another form of terrorist are these state AG's that are suing the federal government, all making big headlines.  They should turn in their law degrees or admit it is a political statement about being on the losing end of governing.

First, you can sue until the law goes into affect in 2014.  Secondly, no one has to buy health insurance.  It is like having a mortgage deduction on your taxes.  If you have health insurance, you get a deduction off your taxes.  If you do not have any health insurance you will be taxed to help cover the cost of ER care that falls to the government for the uninsured.  If you are too poor for insurance the government has a plan for you.  The federal government has always had the right to level taxes.  So why sue the federal government?

I am a citizen and I understand this.  A state's general attorney does not understand that?  or this it political theater?  Some real dishonesty is being played out for ignorant people.

There is all sorts of terrorism. 

Young men with MBA, wingtip shoes and laptop computers flying across country from Goldman Sachs sell methods of investments to locals--for the state pension funds, the local banks to invest in for their clients.   These greedy, amoral individuals got so good that they marketed toxic and ultimately worthless American mortgages and bookkeeping systems to countries overseas in the  European Union, particularly Greece.
How many lives have changed because of their 'right to make money'?
All the while placing bets on the stock exchange about the failure of the product they just sold.

There is all sorts of terrorism.

 Our medical health care system is
one of them, the following story is personal and illustrates that. 

""""""""""'we had a friend over for dinner last night.  she is an immigration attorney.
we talked about travel and she said she is low on money.  her mom had to
have an emergency appendectomy.
the mom waited in the er for 4 hours in super severe pain, and they made her
pay before they would see her.

the total - with all docs, lab fees, surgery, e.r. and one night hospital
stay was just over $44,000.  she can get a discount if the whole thing is
paid off in 6 months, OR if the docs accept lower fees.  one of the many
docs accepted a lower fee.  all of the rest said no.

i don't know what the answer is, but we have now is not the answer"""""""""""""""

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