Friday, April 8, 2011

Circus Tent

I get the sense in quiet one on one conversations, there are many people have lost confidence in our government.   The problems are growing so large with no honesty or facts being used in the discussion of solutions.  We all are in the magic world of the circus.

Simple things like the national budget, that "tent of fools" refuses to address the facts about the big spender, the Pentagon. It is off limits for deep cuts.  These corporations that build our war machinery pay for their political campaign costs.  The corporations start the think tanks, the foundations, pay for the livelihood of these performers in congress.  It has reached the point that few honest people can live in or get elected for the circus tent, our national capitol.

Don't let the facts get in the way of their beliefs.  Political beliefs should get respect.

Looking at the news out of Mississippi that close to a majority of the citizens still believe that inter racial marriages are wrong and should be define by law and stopped.  The black tar of racism is very alive in a state that is defined as Christian.  The "Tea Party" has been hijacked.  This racism, this narrow view of values is used by this pink skinned and red necked population that say they believe in the new testament, believe in justice for all.   Look at their candidates for president.

Don't let the Jesus get in the way of your beliefs. Your beliefs are sacred.

Medical errors in 2008 cost $17.1 billion and one in three patients encountered medical errors in the hospital. People in the circus tent in Washington want to save our medical system from change and believe we have the best in the world.  Because these fools in the circus tent can not look at facts and compare our system to Europe, Canada or parts of Asia we suffer the results.

Don't let the facts get in the way of your beliefs or medical profits.

Finally, let's believe our truthful government about radiation!  Let's assume their honesty is based on doing the right thing to help citizens of this country understand the risks and the dangers of nuclear fall out.   Let's assume they have our interests above the profits of nuclear power profits.  Let's assume the citizen panel of creating jobs in this country is not headed up with the CEO of General Electric, the builder of many of the world's nuclear power plants, and that he is concerned about our future.  Let's assume they will advise us.

Don't let your hopes get in the way of the facts.

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