Friday, April 15, 2011

The Times are a changing

If one is to believe history, Christian doctrine change with the influence of one woman in Constantinople in the year 553.  It involves a woman named Theodora and her husband, the Emperor Justinian.  The struggle for power included political and the church and the destiny of the population under their control.  In the end, Theodora won a major change for Christianity, the doctrine of reincarnation was abolished.

 The idea of suffering in this life for some afterlife reward is very fine for those in control of a population.  It is control in the purest form.   Control either by governments or religions include power from above, not power from self choice.  If a soldier thought that for each killing he did for the glory of the state, he would have to suffer that pain himself, would he be so willing to go to war?  If a population believed that each act of kindness created a reaction of goodness who would be in control of the population?  Where would greed GO!

The jokes that are said and discussed about reincarnation seems to me made by people that have a fear of responsibility to take control of what they believe and want, in this life time.  It is easy to get a neatly packaged rule set and don't have to personally think about decisions.

Reincarnation was an accepted principle for most of the world during Theodora's time,  including India, Tibet, the Himalayas and China. Up to the sixth century even Christians were not opposite to reincarnation.  The idea that one is responsible for one's own destiny is very simple.  It is the third law of Newton's.  For every action there is an equal opposite re-action.  Or another way of saying, the golden rule or you get back what you give out. 

All humans have had the feeling of instant comfort on meeting a new person.  Is that memory?  All humans have a sense of being in a place or knowledge about what to do in a particular set of circumstances.  Is that a deep memory?

For years, I have been open to the possibility of reincarnation.  It makes sense that the people in my current life I have had an attachment to before.  My purposes and life lessons in this life, give my time meaning.  We are all on a journey to live a life of principle and learn to care for ourselves and others-golden rule.

I have many interests, so many, that it has to be, a collection of many life times that are part of me.  My love of art, gardening and cooking that is part of my soul.  My ease with children and the power of their wisdom is been known to me my whole life.   My interest in world travel is probable visiting places that give me comfort.  How could it be so random, where I have visited?  Why do certain stories of the past, I can not learn enough about?  Maybe I was there!

The time of Theodora and Justinian's were very troubling and violent but one thing remains, the Christian rule book was changed by a woman.
I think it is about to be changed back again with a new enlightenment.     

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