Monday, May 23, 2011

Family of crows

I tend to walk with my morning coffee with my head focused down in the garden.  Each morning now the family of crows that have taken up residence near the yard call out about my presence.  They fly from one tall fir tree to another with their loud calls discussing my walk.  I learn all this from a professor that is doing research in Seattle.  He as gone so far as to understand the difference sounds they make and proven that they recognize people.  That was a very clever project by have people tagging the birds wear certain masks and when these people appear again the following year, the crows call in very loud frighten manners.  The crows recognized the masks. The family of crows has my deep respect after hearing how complex, intelligence and caring the family unit is.  After my garden is up and growing better, I think I will bring my binoculars out and see if I can start to identify the difference flying neighbors of mine.

This year of weather has been matching or breaking records for rain and cold.  Understand that we hit 70 last week for a couple hours and if that did not happen, it would be the longest ever wait, for that temperature, in the spring.  So far, we are not going to hit it again this week, partly cloudy and occasionally showers and sun.

I have made two tepees this year for beans.  Partly, I like the structures and partly I like the flowers and beans.  The hoop house are working if you consider that some of my tomatoes are looking healthy and have blossoms.  I have inherited so much liquid and dry fertilizer from my brother, Phil that weekly I could treat my garden to the magic for the next three season.  Of course, the secret to not to over do it or you get green shop of horrors--as the play was all about. 

I get the feeling that I have done about one week's worth of catching up, that is encouraging, now I am working on the other five weeks I am behind.

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