Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The last show

           Oprah is having her last show today.  I have been watching her more this season-her shows have bumped up in quality from the last few years.  The young producers, I think, had been going to a younger audience and lost my interest.   Watching the last two days I realized I'm living in a raciest country because I noticed black faces that turned out for this farewell special....I should not notice that, but yet, I do.   As the museum director one told me, she was an archaeologist. "we all like our own tribe".  I remembered that while watching the show yesterday.

              Even at that--few people have had so much influence in this nation on attitudes about women's rights, sexual abuse/parental abuse, forgiveness, importance of education and reading.   Oprah, from Mississippi, the lowest of the backward states (if you have ever been there, it is like a foreign country) she changed and influence these topics.  The thing I always liked about her, she called us to be our best selves and told us we have the power to do it. 

              Few morals, I can think of, match her achievements in this time and place. 

              It will be interesting to see her next chapter.

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