Sunday, October 9, 2011

Busy Fall Gardening

         A couple weeks ago I had some branches and leaves from ornamental bushes in the yard mulched up. I put them under the apple trees along with oyster shells and steer manure.  Then I cover the base each espalier tree along my back fence with a burlap bag anchored with rocks.  That is an extra step I take because I am gardening with chickens.  Yes, I let my chickens roam the yard a few hours each day and it makes me joyful to watch them but it is also added work for me.  So far, this method has work very well and I hope it holds though the winter months.  I have checked with Micheal Phillips's book THE APPLE GROWER  and I have a few other will chores to do this fall besides picking my apples.  Interestingly this Sunday's NYT has an article about different ways to transform an apple by treating it more like a potato.  All of them quite unexpected and will quickly be explored by me.
         The apples are beginning to fall of the limbs so it is time for me to check and see what needs to be harvested. I have large flat boxes saved for winter storage that I carting from my visited to Costco.                                                                   

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