Friday, October 28, 2011

Labels mean nothing

        The national news do repeated stories tonight about how fish is mislabeled and sold falsely.  It is not simply the pricing that is an issue, it is the source, the manner in how the fish was raised and the pesticides that were used in the process that is the most frightening for me.  There is a break down in all aspects of our food supply system.

         The Victory Garden Program was one of the most popular programs in the war period, and extension agents developed programs to provide seed, fertilizer, and simple gardening tools for victory gardeners. An estimated 15 million families planted victory gardens in 1942, and in 1943 some 20 million victory gardens produced more than 40 percent of the vegetables grown for that year's fresh consumption. 

            I found that bit of information mind blowing.  40 percent of the food was fresh and local.

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