Friday, April 13, 2012

Signs of Sun and Spring

      I had company for a few days.  Many long conversations, shared meals and a couple films from Netflix.  It was  an enjoyable time and great break in the spring for me.
      The weather has turned spring like and the daily list of jobs to do in the yard appears endless in my head.  My potato patches are in at less two locations this year.  I need to clean and ready one area by removing dandelions and other perennials flowers.  Strangely, I have few flowers in my yard but this area next to the arbor has a daisies, irises and one other fall flower.  I am harvesting the dandelions for salads and pesto but a neighbor has told me about using the roots.  She is Korean and they have a long tradition of drying the roots of dandelions,  making a power and using as a sprinkle on tea or other items.  The cleaning of liver is the purpose.  I am saving the roots to dry and try this system.  Cleaning the dandelions is much more work than I imagined, cutting the roots off, taking off the dead leaves, rinse the ground soil off with lots of running clean water.  I will make the pesto, which I have done in the past, and as any cook knows anything made with garlic, olive oil, salt and cheese is delicious so dandelions greens is the feast with lots of vitamin C.
              I  cut my seed potatoes, so tomorrow I have to mentally map the space needed to put them all in the ground, that is challenge one because I really want to rotate potato site.  Then make those spaces  safe from my chickens is challenge number two.
              These items are just two on the long list of many things that must to done when the sun shines in Olympia. 

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