Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A day in April

             My Haskap berry bushes outside my bedroom window presented a moment of joy yesterday for me.  The yellow blossoms were getting the full attention of a humming bird.  This green/yellow/white bellied bird danced from flower to flower and then bush to bush.  I am always so thrilled to see the humming birds in my yard even though I haven't put out a water feeder yet this year.  I moved three bushes there about a month ago and now I find that it is pleasant to have the flowers and the activity right out my window.  Haskap berries are probably the first fruit of the spring along with strawberries and rhubarb (really a vegetable).  These berries are more for smoothies and jams as they tend to be sour but they have the vitamin counts that are as good as blueberries.
              The early flowering Asian pears, peach trees and now the apple blossoms are anchoring the birds and bees to my back yard.  The weather here has been slow to warm so these signs of spring and summer are promises of the new season.
                I have planted 7 rows of 10 feet of potatoes but reading last night  in one of my favorite books, ANIMAL, PLANT, MIRACLE, Kingsolver planted 3 rows of 70 feet for her annual needs.  I do have more to seed potatoes to plant and a little ground space.  It is the garden space that is the precious item in this story.  Oh, the list is so long of all the things to do outdoors and the sun appears with warmth a few hours here and there.  The world outside my yard encourages me to focus more and more providing for my needs within my own resources.  So I contemplate garden designs and do mental drawings alot these days.

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