Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Gay Moment

      I am one of those people that evolved about marriage and the subject of gays get those rights to marry but today it hit home for me.  I had always thought legal right/ partnerships were enough.  I have been educated more about the subject and have changed my mind that I think of it as a civil right now.  The key is was the fact that laws are on the books in over 1,000 ways giving married people certain rights that are not afforded to singles or unmarried people.

     Today I was told if I took John off the auto insurance policy my insurance cost would jump.  Now John has not driven for a couple years and I question if he was still on the policy.  It was explained to me that married people are more stable, have less accidents than single people so that is their policy will cost more for me.  I had that flash of craziness, I had a feeling of being marginalized, totally based of useless information. I shared how gays must feel about not in that class of people having the benefit of laws for married people.

      I found a new auto insurance company this afternoon.

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