Saturday, May 5, 2012

Diary of a daily Harvest

Today I picked four large stocks of rhubarb to make a little sauce for dinner.  It  will be the first of 2012.

It made me think about how many things I daily harvest from my garden and remembers of the three women about my age that are role models for me as I read their books.  They wrote of the joy of eating daily from the garden in a seasonal way. Rhubarb reminded of that fact today .  This idea of doing a diary of what I eat out of my garden hit me as an interesting idea.  Hopefully, it will make me better seasonal gardener.  

Two leeks, ten leaves of mustards, kales and one boy choy plant came out of the garden a little before five in the evening.  I sauted the chopped leeks in a little coconut oil and sea salt which I added to the potatoes.  Steamed the chopped greens a bit, dress them with preserved lemons, I made a couple months ago, olive oil and sea salt.  I have a cup or so of mashed potatoes left over from last night which I will warm in a fry pan with the leeks.  Tonight is the evening we are have a small hamburger.  After reading Costco's processing of making organic ground beef I feel very comfortable about eating their beef.  Meat is becoming rare food in our house of late.

Small portions of many different foods is my goal in planning meals.  I am hoping that it serves up all the vitamins and minerals that is needed daily.  John is very easy to cook for as his only dislike is rice but his companionship is lacking at meal time.  John eats as he is shoveling coal in a furnace.

Soon I will write about my three favorite gardening/cooking books by women my age.

Leeks in the potatoes
Greens with olive oil, sea salt, lemon
Rhurbarb sauce

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