Monday, November 12, 2012

Flying solo in a developed world

      I was having lunch the other day with a couple friends and we were discussing the state of the world and particular the United States.  The comment was made that often new items are shipped to developing countries that could be a great help right here for our poor or less fortunate.  

      Remember those computer that cost about a $100 and are used as a light for the family in rural areas of Africa and Asia,  featured on 60 Minutes.  The guy was from MIT that design it.   That was a few years ago.  Then there are water purification kits simple to use and very inexpensive.  Right now there are many spots in the U.S. that are having issues with unclean water.  Are these items even available for those people?

        Yesterday I heard the background story about the insurance whistle blower, Wendell Potter.  This man witness a free clinic, Remote Area Medical, in rural Virginia and realized that they have been sending medical supplies overseas to help when in fact this country needs that same help.  People have travelled 200 miles, stood in the rain to get treatment outdoors for illnesses because they did not have insurance.  Remember, one gentleman recently that said anyone can go to the emergency room and get taken care of in this country.  Well,  shortly after that event in 2007, Potter resign his position with CIGNA and become a whistle blower.  Later on he apologized to Micheal Moore for the industry's attack on him personally and his movie Sicko.  I had always wondered why Wendell Potter had a change of mind and heart about his profession.  It shows how many people live as they do in third world countries right here among us.  This item has come to the public attention because of Sandy and the two weeks without electricity in some areas that is going on right now.   With all the weather changes going on in this country we should all prepare like we are flying solo and self sufficient.  With this item you can cook, get a little heat and charge up the phone.  The interesting comments after this article are worthy of reading.  

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