Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hazel and Henry

Since I lost Natalia as my cleaning lady months ago I have relied on Hazel and Henry. I know them, their price is right and they are available.

Today they showed up about two o'clock. Henry started in one of the bathrooms and was to follow though with that bedroom. Hazel started at the side door and into the kitchen, dining room and living room.

Henry always has lots of questions. How do I get under this bed, this is very dusty? What is best to use? I can't reach it with that? Henry tends to use the Windex on the window sill instead of the furniture polish and the foot of all furniture is too low to shine. He forgets that the bathroom wastebasket needs to be emptied as part of the plan. His effort is beyond his ability is the easiest way to explain it.

In the meantime, Hazel has put on her energizing music of guitar and 70's to set the pace for the moment. Her knowledge and standard is high but I sense her energy may not be up to speed. Oh, she starts out strong and moves, throws all those rugs out to the patio for a good shaking and she is sweeping, mopping and dusting at good rate but the sweat is showing. The CD is new, the energy is new. The dust rag is moving across the top shelve of the bookcase, the bottom of the foot stools. Piles magazines and things has been moved out of sight, a future decision.

Henry need a new job. Hazel suggests doing the panes on the French Doors to the study. Well, the right size sitting stool for the project was brought in and the spray bottle, the paper towels and the right procedure is all explained before this task is to beginning.

Daisy during all of this activity is careful to move out of the way of Hazel and Henry. She knows that most of that dog hair is hers and she is conscious of the fact that she creates an amazing amount of the dust pile.

Fortunately, Hazel and Henry can call their own quitting time and at five they served themselves a glass of wine and put up their feet.

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