Friday, September 18, 2009

10,000 years- a serious problem

''About 92 percent of the people who take the citizenship test pass on their first try, according to immigration service data. However, Oklahoma students did not fare as well. Only about 3 percent of the students surveyed would have passed the citizenship test. Oklahoma was not the only state.

"Jefferson said that a nation can't expect to be ignorant and free." It points to a real serious problem. We're not going to remain ignorant and free.

The other night on T.V., Frank Schaeffer author of CRAZY FOR GOD was on and he said that the religious right were like the 'village idiot'. I was shocked, as he went on to say that the creationists have been brainwashed by their mother's to hate people of other religions and they are very poorly educated. They have no art, no science, no sense of American history and no study of great literature. These people, Schaeffer continued, have no reasoning ability. Forget about them in your discussion about this country, they have to be left behind.

I was very surprised to hear a former Evangelist talk so bluntly about a movement that he was involved in. Treat them like village idiots, Schaeffer said. The words were ringing in my ears.

Think for a moment about science. How is it that these people are not conscious of the anthropology, geology, biology, archeology, chemistry? These are tools to understand our living space and our bodies.

Art is an expression of our intellect and our spirit. The early signs of humans are marked by cave drawings, art objects in China, Africa and North America. The link of humanity, history of our specie is there for us to learn from. Carbon dating is proof used to date these items.

To believe that the earth is only 10,000 years old is to ignore all science.
At less on this front the Amish are honest, they don't cherry pick. They don't use the combustible engine, the modern medicine or high tech toys. All of which are the fruits of science.

These people shouting about wanting their country back are the parents to the 3% of students that can not pass a simple history quiz. Only 10% could name the first president.

There is a new name for the group.

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