Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Just keep the tango going

That is how the article ended in the NYT about Alzheimer. I have personally adopted the 'one day at a time' idea but the dance imagery is equally good. I can not wrap my mind around the future and how the slow descend into nothingness will happen to John.

He reminds me, that I forgot to tell him about the children coming over or the purpose of having a small juice glass on the table or the location of his barber. John forgets his swimming shoes at the Y ... his lock at home for the Y or... where he put the bag, towel and his swimming suit before he leaves for the Y. The best, and I do smile, is when he thanks me, for putting his bag near the door for him, forgetting that he did that!

We do use a sheet of paper for some information if I have answered the question five times within the hour. I tell him he has to look at the paper for the answer. Newness, break from routine are hard on John. That is why five times a week swimming has worked so well for him, the routine has been there for three years. Mowing the grass, unloading the dishwasher, walking Daisy all activities of established routine. Sweeping the back patio would produce many questions or using the vacuum cleaner is too confusing most of the time.

John is a very good sleeper and personally very clean along with a pleasant personality so living with him is relatively easy.

John and I found a comfortable resting place with each other all the years we have been together and that has not changed. We continue the tango.

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