Friday, October 2, 2009

rambling thoughts

When I am not worried about the crisis of the economy or the absolute black hole of the future of this world, I enjoy the simple pleasures of things.

The wonderful truth that my grandchildren are capable of telling. The other day they were relating the surprise trip, planned by their father, to a bakery before school. Ahman's blueberry roll, "was awesome" and Mira matter of fact told me that her mother doesn't enjoy the bakery or hamburgers but the three of them do.

The peace of sitting in the late afternoon warm sunlight with John. We watch the chickens have an half hour of total freedom in the yard, my spirit is as free of theirs at these moments. Daisy sits at our feet, we have our glass of wine and discuss the little jobs that we did that day and plans for the next day.

The miracle of growing seeds never fails to amaze me. Partly, because I am good at it and partly because it is the essence of life. The planting of my orchard six years ago has proven to be rewarding in a bounty this year. It is said that young people plant a garden and older people plant trees. Of course, it makes sense, older people own property and have decided where home is. Only after age forty-five did I plant a fruit tree.

One of the joys of living in today's world is the computer and the knowledge that is at my fingertips. I wonder if I had this available as a child how different my life would have turned out. The whole world is there is learn about, questions answered and no matter what parents, school or local custom say, an individual can compare thoughts. The distance between love ones is not an issue as in past generations by way of this machine. I value my computer more than any electric item I have.

The sense of taste is more valuable to me as I age. The sweetness the sun gives to fruit, the taste of roasted spices and fresh herbs from the garden in the simplest dish and the favor of butter or fat are taken with gratitude at my age.

When I was in my mid life, I thought, people of my age now as old and probably have less intensity about thinking, doing or living life. I think aging has taught me that the outside physical body changes but the inside is ageless. In fact, as I age I am finding the core of my being and possibly my grace. I finally have the time to reflect and understand many things.

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