Friday, October 9, 2009

snail and their slime

Well, we all woke to the surprise of the new Nobel Peace Prize news including the man that won. I double checked two sites to see if it was true.

Is this America anymore? Do people want their own president to fail, to lose and to be humbled on the world stage? What is in the soul of these snails? The vile comments about this prize are telling of snail slime.

Obama made it clear that the world has to address issues of climate change, terrorism, AIDS, world poverty and peace. He wants corporation between all the nations working together. He is a sign of change in policy from the last eight years. They probably awarded him the prize because he's taken on the most thankless job imaginable. In office 10 months and has already been held accountable for at least 8 years of reckless incompetence.

Maybe there is more slime sickness in this nation and on a day like today it is explored to the light.

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