Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gardening thoughts

This is the time of the year I start to save all my egg shells for the day I plant my tomatoes.  After a couple turns in the blender these shells will be the on the bottom of each hole for the new seedling of tomatoes.  It gives that boost of calcium that adds favor and prevents blossom end rot. 

The last few years I have been spraying my orchard with calcium.  On a quiet sunny morning I walk around with a backpack tank and spray the top and bottom of leaves of the fruit trees.  It is so important that fruit get the right amount of calcium while the apple, pear or plum are developing.  As long as I am at it, my roses and all the other favorites are greeting by me the same morning.

Yesterday was a long day outside as we had a sunny day in the 60's.  It is a reminder that once heard from a successful gardener, up in her years, "you can garden forever if you never do one job more than 45 minutes".  Boy, is that true, the muscles start to talk and the up and down gets slower.  Knee pads and my little cart with wheels that I sit are my biggest body savers.

Last year, I received a charming book first printed during WWII in England on how to feed your family from the backyard.  I decided this year, I am going to try taking some of this to heart and use less organic, fine, commercially  made products as fertilizers and use more animal manures, yard compost and teas and oyster shells.  With the help of my chickens and my worm box I have a supply on hand but I must learn to use in a timely manner.

My Haskap berries are fully leaved out and have blossom on while my blueberry bushes are just showing tiny buds.  These Japanese blueberry plants are between 13 and 22 inches high heading toward four and five feet in a few years.  I wonder if they will be successful in this part of the world?

John cut the back lawn yesterday.  He is amazing for his age, I don't know any of his contemporaries still cutting grass.  He is my partner in gardening but I have to say, he rests often in well placed chairs and he forgets his mission occasionally. 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

There is all sorts of terrorist

When I see angry people in the street protesting, it reminds me of the late 60's but there is a difference.
The civil rights protesters were trained to focus on non violence, no matter what pain they suffered from the authorities, they remained focus as a group.  Protesters did not carry guns,  in the 60's they did not shouts racial hate, they did not spit, they did not claim their God better than anyone's else God.  They marched in peace, oh, they confronted the power, but it was in a noble manner. 

These mobs of uneducated people today can't understand the facts, are easily  manipulated by corporate  sponsors and rating driven personalities that have no love of our country.   It has reached the point of name calling by the media, that the GOP can't even take on the tail that is controlling the dog.  The GOP is now afraid of the personalities that help them create the climate of  anger.
Those personalities have always said it was about rating not the news or facts.

Remember the story of a man in a wheelchair with Parkinson disease in Washington D.C. last week-end.  That man has a Master degree and a Doctorate degree and was stricken at age 35. .   The mob started shouting at him, then throwing coins and dollars bills toward him,  mocking him. 

Well, one of the guy that throw money at the man was interviewed this week.  He said that he has not slept since that day.  He doesn't know what came over him, he thinks maybe it was the movement of the crowd, the mob. He is so ashamed, he can't understand what happened for him to behavior this way.

Another form of terrorist are these state AG's that are suing the federal government, all making big headlines.  They should turn in their law degrees or admit it is a political statement about being on the losing end of governing.

First, you can sue until the law goes into affect in 2014.  Secondly, no one has to buy health insurance.  It is like having a mortgage deduction on your taxes.  If you have health insurance, you get a deduction off your taxes.  If you do not have any health insurance you will be taxed to help cover the cost of ER care that falls to the government for the uninsured.  If you are too poor for insurance the government has a plan for you.  The federal government has always had the right to level taxes.  So why sue the federal government?

I am a citizen and I understand this.  A state's general attorney does not understand that?  or this it political theater?  Some real dishonesty is being played out for ignorant people.

There is all sorts of terrorism. 

Young men with MBA, wingtip shoes and laptop computers flying across country from Goldman Sachs sell methods of investments to locals--for the state pension funds, the local banks to invest in for their clients.   These greedy, amoral individuals got so good that they marketed toxic and ultimately worthless American mortgages and bookkeeping systems to countries overseas in the  European Union, particularly Greece.
How many lives have changed because of their 'right to make money'?
All the while placing bets on the stock exchange about the failure of the product they just sold.

There is all sorts of terrorism.

 Our medical health care system is
one of them, the following story is personal and illustrates that. 

""""""""""'we had a friend over for dinner last night.  she is an immigration attorney.
we talked about travel and she said she is low on money.  her mom had to
have an emergency appendectomy.
the mom waited in the er for 4 hours in super severe pain, and they made her
pay before they would see her.

the total - with all docs, lab fees, surgery, e.r. and one night hospital
stay was just over $44,000.  she can get a discount if the whole thing is
paid off in 6 months, OR if the docs accept lower fees.  one of the many
docs accepted a lower fee.  all of the rest said no.

i don't know what the answer is, but we have now is not the answer"""""""""""""""

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Angels without wings and a new dance

After greeting the post mistress yesterday afternoon at the neighborhood location, Jan commented that John was at the door at eight in the morning.

"Oh, he must have been confused.  He takes this road to the Y for his class. You know, Jan, John is having memory problems."

"He knows we open at nine.  He had a strange bag with him.  Is he in the first stages of Alzheimer?  Has he see a Dr.? "

"Well, I don't know what is the first stage or how many stages there are.  Oh, I have talk to Doctors about it but, really, this is one disease that doesn't need a Dr. to tell me that he is forgetting things?

"He must of had his swimming bag with him.  Canvas? "

"Yes. Well, if I see anything I will call you, Loretta."

The sad, strange thing about being forgetful is that you can't remember to say that you got lost or confused.

This angel doesn't have wings but she was talking to me.

I decided that before I get a call from the police about an accident or a call from a stranger telling about a lost 77 year old, John, had to stop driving.

About an hour later, Ken's second car was ruled unfixable.  I immediately offered him the John's truck as a loaner.

Yesterday two angels were working for me.  It is easy to make decisions when opportunity and facts are introduced.  I will be driving him to the Y each morning for his exercise and social outing.  John will continue to have a licenses, a set of keys and a truck, he simply will not be driving anymore.

I will lean how to spend this period of time in a new manner.  I will miss my leisure cup of coffee, my computer time or long breakfast with the paper.

John and I are about to learn a new dance step.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Radishes, Tumeric and Weeds

Growing up, my father was the one that loved radishes.  It became a family food story about how much Dad loved his radishes.  Many of the years that he had his little backyard gardens, radishes were one of the six or seven vegetables he planted.  The rest of the family was neutral about the vegetable, early in the season, fine but later when they got hot and woody, we all dropped it immediately.  There is a well known chef that served for his first course, a platter of radishes, sea salt and buttered bread.  Now that would have impressed my Father.  I am going to see later this spring if I can manage that appetizer.

I have over the years tried growing radishes but really find it one of the hardest crops to grow.  They are very attractive for some root maggots and I seems to harvest this variety!  My interest has lessen over the years.

Recently a woman that tests vegetables for a national magazine for this area of the country lectured at our local fruit society.  She talked about the love of her Chinese heritage for radishes.  The giant long Daikon radish, Black Spanish, the Green Meat and finally the Watermelon, red meat radish. These large ones can be considered winter radishes.  Asian treat radish as a vegetable that can be used in soup, much like our tradition of using an onion.

There are the spring varieties that go in the ground now and probably the favorite is French breakfast.  All of them love cool soil and the spring rains.  This year, I plan focusing on planting and eating more radishes.  I know that the watermelon one sliced is delightful to see on a plate and easy to enjoy.

I had to look up the nutritional and it surprised me, Imagine a cup a radish as good as a banana for potassium.  This list of vitamins was long, new respect for the humble vegetable.

Turmeric in its root form looks alot  like ginger.  After being peeled it looks like a small carrots, the fresh tastes very mild unlike the powered form.  It is uncommon  but our local co-op carries it and aa Indian cusine as become more and more available this root will become a common sight.   I plan to put one of these little roots in a pot and see if I can grow my own for at less part of the year.  The magic of turmeric is well known for brain cells health, know anyone that doesn't need a boost in that direction?

Lastly, it is now thought that a few weeds in the garden feed insects so it is best not to pull all of your weeds.  It is nice to feel more relaxed about my weeds.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Imagine a food that includes a complete source of protein, contains many of the basic elements in the human body, twenty-two minerals, fifty-nine trace elements, eleven enzymes or co enzymes, fatty acids, carbohydrates and protein.  It is also said to regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It have been proved to have antibiotic, antibacterial, anti fungal, antioxidant, all wrapped up in one ultra-sticky ball.  It is propolis  produced by honeybees.

Look in the pantry, you may have the magic in a jar of Royal Jelly. We are starting to have two crackers in the afternoon with a little spread of Royal Jelly.  The story of bees though history is too long to put here but humans understood the sweetness,  used it as a currency to pay taxes, and of course in the fields for fruit, grains and vegetables bees makes our food.  What a wonderful little flying creature!

The oak tree fallen, the Catholic Church

My heart goes out to the senior Catholics that just want to end their lives with a traditional funeral for the family to grief at and have an expression of the importance of their lives.  The rules of the church were not always easy for them, the demands were many and emotional ties were even stronger.  Now it seems there has been a major betrayal, yet another one. The core of the Catholic Church has been rotten for decades and the last week it the exposure of it reaching the center, the Vatican.

Like a giant oak tree that looked fine on the surface, storm by storm, country by country, the weakness of the tree has been revealed.   The word Irish meant Catholic.  The parish school meant quality education.  Large family meant living according to the teaching of the church.   Priest meant holy man, leader of the community.  Pope meant respected as a Christ like figure.  The core of decay has been opening displayed in the last month and yesterday the details of the Legion of Christ were details of evil organized.

It seems now, much of the Catholic Church was an illusion.

People like my parents with the struggles of raising ten children so they will be worthy member of the Catholic Church, were used by the hierarchy just to produce more members much like some other religions still practice today.   Children were not valued or not one pedophile would have been protected in the organization.  No man of God does these things to children.  Nuns were not respected or they will not have allowed them to live out their lives in poverty.  Criminals were protected within the institution of dioceses and religious orders.  It was system well developed and practiced for years.

It has been nothing more than an old boys club.  Sad.

On a trip to Europe while visiting the Vatican, I got the overwhelming feeling of the grandness of the place.  The late afternoon light came in and I remembered the genius of Michelangelo.  The space, the scope, the history of the place.  That is when, I remembered all the other palaces I have just recently seen and thought, this is nothing more than the site of another royal residence.   The power of another royal house, this is an European institution with a power center.  It is about power and little about the revolution of the word of Jesus.

It takes a long journey for someone, my age, to break free from all the emotional ties to a Catholic childhood. I miss the after smell of incense in a quiet church or the light coming though tall narrow window or the hymns of Latin liturgy.   I remember the noise of the large rosaries on the hips of the nuns and some real love and concern they shown me over my childhood.

But what really does any of this have to do with the teaching of Jesus Christ?
  • Blessed are the poor in spirit : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 
  • Blessed are the meek: for they shall posses the land. 
  • Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted. 
  • Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice : for they shall have their fill. 
  • Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 
  • Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. 
  • Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
  • Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  
Gucci Shoes and designer sunglasses wore by the Pope symbolizes the distance from Beatitudes and message of Christ, this man is far from the teaching of Jesus.

    Friday, March 12, 2010

    Cycles of history, periods of life

    I probably belong to the last generation of Americans that will experienced middle class in this country.  Things are changing so rapidly now that the daily news is becoming an exercise in controlled exposure to depression.  How much do I want to learn the facts?

    The graft in today's NYT shows the pension obligations of the U.S. and Europe,  the debt balance is 500% of  this nations output for the next forty years.  Hawaii announced today that it needs the tax refunds to operate the state so money will be paid out until August.  Virginia is so broke they are giving out speeding tickets of $2,500 for going 15 miles over the speed limit.  Kansas City, Mo. is closing almost half of its school in one sweep.  I can't even think about the greedy bankers and insurance companies, those sociopaths need a special reincarnation.

    For a little less that ten years,  I have been wailing against government policy and the politics of war and waste.  The good news of this awareness is that I had decided to do something about it for myself.  I have a lovely garden with raised beds to grow herbs and vegetables, fruit trees and bushes that are maturing to the point of offering some variety to my diet and physical exercise to maintain it all with out leaving my yard.  The adventure of providing some of our own organic food has giving an opportunity to make friends with like minded people and expanded my interesting in eating wider plant base diet.  With the recent addition of five laying hens, my body gets better nutrition, my mind and spirit get entertainment.

    When I was a child and a young adult, the age of 67 seemed to me the point that one would wait around until the death blow to hit.  The importance of experiencing this age is to understand that it is the most interesting age offering a contentment that rarely is felt at an earlier age.  The sameness of routine is just fine, for by this time, I have try out lots of ways, methods and approachs to living and settled on one that is comfortable.   I have been though the stages of life that taught who to trust, who to be impressed by and what values are my own.  I have throw off institutional values, such of religious organizations, found them self serving.  The adoption of a world view of the golden rule serves all of humanity, simply and equally. I have read enough history to know that what we are going though is another cycle turn of history, simple as that.  The final days of another empire.  Sadly, the thing that is different this time, is the human race has done much damage to our nest on this cycle.

    Tuesday, March 9, 2010

    evolution of food

    Kate Heyhoe has written a book about reducing your carbon footprint in the kitchen, titled COOKING GREEN.  Most of her suggestions I have either already adopted or feel I am not interesting in changing my habits.  But I did find a couple gems in the book. 

    There is a Chinese poaching method of cooking a chicken that I tried and will use again.  I found the meat more tender and moist.  Basically you season a whole chicken with salt and pepper, place the chicken, six slices of ginger, green top onions, a couple tablespoons dry sherry in a pot with enough water to cover the chicken by 1/2 inch.  

    Bring the water to a boil, skim away the brown scum that rises to the top for about five minutes.  Partially cover the pot and reduce the heat.  Simmer the chicken for 15 minutes. 

    Turn off the heat.  Leave the chicken fully covered in the pot for 1 hour.  

    Now you have a few meals that include great broth for soups.  I found the meat is more tender than when boiled and it was completely cooked by this method.  One other thing about the chicken or soup in general, I added a couple dry mushrooms to my soup pot and I think it enriches the favor without really being a strong taste that anyone can identify.  Often I don't just have the right sherry in the house. 

    One other recipe that will become part of my standard monthly menu is making spring rolls.  Perhaps the easiest way to learn how to work with these rice paper wrappers is by way of Utube.   I made the recipe she used in the book of Mediterranean style fillings.  Truly anything is possible, when you think about it, and it a great snack, appetizer, carried lunch or lite supper.  

    These wrappers are a no-cook alternative to breads or tortillas, no refrigeration, shelf-stable and last indefinitely.

     Put down first a little salad, spinach or shredded cabbage or an assorted greens first on the bottom third of the wrap.  Next comes the fresh or blanched vegetables.   Topped off with shrimp, grilled fish or tofu or cooked chicken before starting the roll up.

    I plan to explore with this wrapper.