Saturday, May 15, 2010

The complex lying

"""“Of 18 dispersants whose use EPA has approved, 12 were found to be more effective on southern Louisiana crude than Corexit, EPA data show,,,,,Once again, the most immediate profit concerns predominate. Corexit is produced by Nalco Co., a firm headed up by executives from both BP and industry leader Exxon. “It’s a chemical that the oil industry makes to sell to itself, basically,” said Richard Charter of Defenders of Wildlife.""" 

The leaking oil in the gulf is yet another opportunity for the our society to understand that the environment is being destroyed by our negligence  and allowing corporations rule the situation because of their profits.  We allow this. This opportunity of learning maybe so big and so overwhelming that even the human race will have to witness the death of part of the ocean before it realizes that action of out rage is necessary.

It is clear that chemical companies have controlled our environment since WWII.  Oil is a major part of it but it is just another piece of the total.  We take farmland and pay some people not to plant crops and then we spray the poisons on our lands so we get bigger yield on other fields.  In the meantime, there is no balance of nature in planting anymore, the natural way life works.  All of nature supports each part and the current system single crops agriculture destroyed the Eco balance.  The bees make the news but the top soil and the dead soil is also a problem as well as the misuse of water.  These chemicals used today will never broke down, the ones used for insecticides,  GMO seeds, medicines or fertilizers.  They resident in our water, our food and our bodies.  Surprised about the cancer rate, why?

My sadness is there but I think this event will be remembered as the before and after.  It is so dramatic and so clear that no one can say incompetency wasn't an issue and that greed, lying, profit were on display.

We have allowed it and we can form the will together to put a stop to it.

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