Monday, December 20, 2010

Do it right this time - History

       When the founders of this country decided it was more important to keep all the 13 colonies together instead of forming two countries they compromised on one very big issue, slavery.   At that point, they kicked the issue down the road and it came up about a hundred years later.

        So the northern and southern states faced the issue in the civil war a hundred years later.  Now there are some southerners that say the war was over states right and not slavery.  Well, that is simply not true.  Slavery is gone and we still have issues about states rights vs. federal rights.  So I guess the states issue was not the issue in the civil war.

         Now in the last few years we have some more historians wanting to rewrite history again in the glory of the Confederacy, we have a fresh crop of modern day racists.  They have forgotten who drained the swamps, planted the tobacco and cotton, who nursed their babies and who were the free sex slaves.  These white men laugh about coon hunting as a sport and their lovely wives sit like brainless models.
        Personally, I think it is time to cut the south free.  Let them form their own country, these white folks don't believe in science or education in general.  It is seen in Texas daily. They look backwards instead of toward the future of development of the whole human race.  Their lily white, Anglo Saxon skin is the only ticket that counts.  They hide behind the Christian veil of religion to practice the hatred of blacks, Mexicans, Jews and Catholic and now Muslims. After sharing Christian prayers together in either their mega churches or their little community churches they remind each other about the ways use to be and how it should be that way again.

            "Don't remember segregation being that bad."

            Haley Barbour is talking about running for president.  He should know a lot about the federal government his state ranks in the top five states most years on Federal Taxes Paid vs. Federal Spending Received by State, 1981-2005 according to Tax Foundation.  These old boys from the south cost too  much money and they hold up the country from progressing into the next century.  Cut them lose.  That Mason Dixie line is a great starting point.

An old piece from the NYT.
This being Mississippi, race is a factor in the campaign, but mainly because neither candidate has offered much to black voters. The Republicans have tried to remind them that in 1964 Mr. Stennis sponsored legislation to export Mississippi blacks to states that wanted to practice integration.
But the racial sensitivity at Barbour headquarters was suggested by an exchange between the candidate and an aide who complained that there would be ''coons'' at a campaign stop at the state fair. Embarrassed that a reporter heard this, Mr. Barbour warned that if the aide persisted in racist remarks, he would be reincarnated as a watermelon and placed at the mercy of blacks.

      Cut them lose!  It is time to let them live on their own.  We don't need to support the South.

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