- the almost universal market bullishness of CNBC pundits.
- municipal pension promises that can never be met.
- so many rats jumping ship on this administration. re: Paul Volker
- the universal belief by 'smart money' that not only do you not fight the Fed but that the Fed can fix all.
- an education system that leaves the holder in debt and holding a sheepskin which is about as useful as a 3 legged chair.
- how you can create what just over 100k jobs which doesn't even keep pace with population growth and yet the unemployment rate falls from 9.6 to 9.4%
- how many of those 100k + jobs that were created were of the 'burger flipper' and barrista type?
- how 40+ million can be on food stamps with numbers increasing yet we can call it a recovery
- how adding $4 trillion to our nations debt has resulted in the weakest recovery in post war history.
- how long can the charade of the tail - FIRE (finance, insurance and real estate) economy - wagging the proverbial dog - the real economy (manufacturing)- go on?
- why is everyone jumping ship on this administration? Paul Volker anyone?
- state and municipal governments that are flat broke.
- how will things be when denial dies and sobriety returns in the form of the realization that municipal pension/benefit promises can never be honored. How will this affect the annual neighborhood block party?
- how the smart money set rejoices at retail sales numbers when know its a direct result of not paying the mortgage?
- how long can we pretend that this pre-meditated mortgage payment avoidance has no repercussions.Oh yeah the Fed fixes everything.
- how long can we ignore the transgressions of fraud and malfeasance in the mortgage and finance arena by the too big to fail banks?
- how long can we go ignoring laws already in place content to act surprised by all that occurs when we refuse to enforce of said laws?
- was the congresswomen, who quite frankly many had never heard of before the tragic news, the target or was the federal judge John Roll the target? my sympathies go out to all the families involved.
if things were getting worse would anyone recognize the signs it was even happening?
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