Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Traveling a different sky

 A few years ago, I heard about this woman that gave a speech in Texas but being  in labor, she needed to hurry home, it so important that her child be born in Alaska.  She got on a plane.   On the long stop in Seattle (my territory)   surprisingly with this being her five or sixth pregnancy this woman had to have known the risks, she still needed to travel. There is top medical care in TX or WA. still she was going to spent the time on planes.  She wanted his baby born in her hometown with little medical care.

Maybe it is my age, maybe it is given birth to two babies, maybe it is flying and airports or maybe it is being in labor but this woman lose my respect.  Nothing made sense after reading that story.  She is a very selfish woman.

 Now years later, I have not changed my mind.

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