I have been watching the gathering of Davos, Switzerland of the business, financial and political leaders of the developed world. The setting is beyond beautiful in the snowy mountains, these are the glamorous, wealthy and powerful people of the world. These people have the power, they shape what really happens.
I am watching for the Warrior. Imagining at this gathering he might standout and make himself known. The cycle of power that the corporations hold at the moment is so strong and it makes sense that they will not willingly give up control. That is why we need a Warrior for change. That is if you are part of the 99% left out of power structure.
I learned about the need for a Warrior in the book, IN THE NEW GOLDEN AGE. Barta uses six different social cycles to explain events of human change. Instead of just studying economics he incorporated these other indicators to do his predictions and his record is extremely successful. In evolution that is about to happen in the next few years in this country, we need the Warrior. Of course, Barta says things have to get worst before they get better and we may not quite be at the moment yet.
Now that is a list, the negative events list, that is easy to follow. Supreme Court ruling last week is important addition. The Pew poll showing the lack of understanding of Americans toward the basics of how our government works is important, that came out yesterday. The voting public in the '30 and '40 during the last major financial crises of this nature were much better educated. Anything beyond a sound bite can not hold the attention of the majority of citizens today, it seems. These signs along the way are important because they show our race to the bottom. The cycle of power that the corporations hold at the moment is so strong that they will not willingly give up control, that is why we need this Warrior, before we can enter the Golden Age.
Obama is unlikely to be the man. He is black and liberal, too much of the community activist personality. I saw the reruns of Obama before the GOP group, he is too logical and polite. Besides, he has circled himself with the same Wall Street minds that brought this mess to us. There is, also, a very deep racist attitude in this country, too many people can't follow his lead about anything.
I am beginning to believe the Warrior maybe more of a radical, military, white guy that will appear to wrestle away power from the Wall Street gang. I imagine the Warrior has to appeal to the fear level in this population. I will hope that we don't need a Mao, Stalin or Hitler but honestly our population has grown so uninterested in any thing that is thoughtful I am beginning to wonder. I am losing faith in our citizens. Over 45 % believe that humans have been on earth only 10,000 years. That denies science. If you don't believe in science, turn off the lights, get on the horse and go live off land.
In the meantime, I am looking out for the Warrior. I am also keeping my list of signs that we are racing to the bottom.
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