Sunday, August 29, 2010

War, Peace and Illustions

Politically, some people are aware of what is at the stake with this fall's election.  If the GOP take control of the House they have promise to use their majority power to investigate Obama  and make Obama weak as a president so he loses the next election.  The nation will be forced to relive the Clinton years of suffering the endless personal exploration of a personality and not the legislation of congress and the problems of a nation in crisis.

Other than a renewed effort to extend the tax breaks for the top one percent, the GOP,  I have heard have no plan for the economy, no jobs program, no investments on the national scale to help the unemployed, no help to the states that are burdened with financial problems- if only each state had it's own currency and printing press!

The party of NO,  GOP voted against extending the benefits for the unemployed, passage health care reform, any jobs program.  The 99's will become what? Question is, what middle class person would vote against themselves, ones that can't stand the color of brown skin.

Glenn Beck, saint to the Tea Partiers, sounds like he just wants God in power and some how we will go back to this magical period of honor and greatness. My question what period was that? Beck's answer seems to be when white men were in charge.  It was not about God in charge, God hasn't gone anywhere.
God did not free the slaves in this country, win the right to vote for blacks or women, end child labor, give forty hour week or create a pension plan.  No paved roads, no equal education or chicken in the pot came from God, it was the hard work of humans.  If I read my history it was a leader with dreams and a group of courageous followers that believed in a better future  made these changes.  Actually, it was a small percentage of people that made those miracles.

Thank you ladies, for my right to vote!

The good news and the bad news are shouting out today.  Imagine a day when John Le Carre and Cuba's Castro basically say the same things. Bin Laden and Al Queda are CIA false front operations.  Boy, are we dumb suckers in the American public?  Add to that, Karzai has CIA agents in this cabinet.  Reminds me of the old Three Stooges movie, who's on first? who's on second?

Imagine  today, I realize that the true reason modern war will never work again is as simple as the camera on a phone?  This century could be the shift in human history.  Going from the sword to the gun to the tank to the bomb further and further away from the victim is the history of warfare.  If you kill civilians, you have lost!  In the eyes of the world, killing the women and children, you can not win a war.  Now the world is fulled with cameras on cell phones recording all deaths.  People have to be trained to kill, even mafia shots victims in the back of the head, they don't want to view the face of the dieing. Only two percent of the population, the psychopaths are emotional able deal with it. The camera are the eyes of humans watching.

I linked on my blog to a insightful lecture by Paul K Chappell, West Point Graduate, served two years in Iraq.  He explores the future in a positive way with more hope that I have heard in years.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shorewood, Wisconsin Health Care Story

 A True Story about 'a health care system' in United States. The ending has not happened, the person is still under the same conditions , it is an email from a friend in the area. A couple years ago I saw a t.v. story about a Kaiser hospital dropping off people in L.A near a homeless shelter, at the point, I knew for sure, it was unusual.  Is it really?  Reading this I understood the shock and surprise seeing this first hand.  This not a ghetto, this is Shorewood!

"""The antics next door will probably kill me if not the man.  He came home from the hospital at 2:30, afternoon, via ambulance -- to an empty house wearing JUST A DIAPER -
apparently they had a cover on him in the chair but it fell of or he took it off.  Leg very
swollen, infected, boot on the foot.

He called ME ON LIFELINE at 4 -- I was working -- didn't get the call -- who gave them my
name and number and why would I be the first call.

They say he is "competent".  That must be why he called me at 4, when I got there didn't
know why he called me and then since he's so aware, that's why he thinks having his foot
on the ground is "elevated".  man o man o man o ma.  I CANNOT tell you how much time
I spent on the phone and how many people now I'm sure think I'm a class A bitch and I
don't care.

I said to the "nurse" at the Jewish whatever group that are his social workers/caretakers,
so this is an example of your standard of care apparently -- she said of course not!  Ha! 
Then called back and said "his team" was fully aware of his situation.

I said great.

No dignity - I was to be the first one to see him -- only in diaper - how embarrassing for
him and quite frankly for me

He aid that came not until 6 had no clue what the boot was for, the swelling was from, if
she could stand him -- which by the way is hard on a good day with two palsied legs,
much less did she know anything about the infection/elevation of leg and what a diabetic
diet meant.

Called Columbia Hospital -- what the heck are you thinking - -a. switch of staff - don't have his
chart - called back -- said his "people" knew about the release.

Talked to social worker -- didn't answer - talked to someone without a clue - said they'd
check it out on Monday - asked her her name, asked her to document my call, said I was
reporting them to the Department or Regulations and Licensing, the attorney from the
state whom I was with yesterday - and I will.""""

Thursday, August 26, 2010

flow of money

  The average annual Social Security benefit is $13,000.  Those living on that benefit are living on a little over a thousand a month.   It is less for a single women because of unequal pay, average benefit is $11,000 a year for a career time of work.  Of course, women outlive men in our society for many women are living on less than a thousand dollars a month.  Imagine a life of being a part time worker and mother, her's benefits are half of that. The little talked about forgotten fact about Social Security is that it is capped at $160,000 for earners.  Why should Bill Gates not pay in to it like the local fireman?  If this one rule was changed, the benefits for all would double and media would have to stop talking about it going broke.  Imagine the change in our total economy is money was out there in the market place.

While some politicians target the sick, the needy and the old they continue to consider the Pentagon budget untouchable. One declared war and another undeclared and more intelligent agencies that the public has a clue about are rat holes eating up our resources . Then the favorite, an unfunded tax break for the top one percent of wealthy has put us as a nation into financial collapse.

It is amazing to hear people say it can not get worst, logic says otherwise, $600 billion trade devastate each year with no tariffs in sight, nothing is going to change. 42,000 factories have closed since the year 2000.  Our dollars are all going overseas.

Job loses, state and city cuts, mortgages defaults this adds up to a depression not a recession.   There is no hope and cheerfulness in this society  for 95% of the population. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cleaning the thought table

If America is the melting pot of the world does that mean that when the pot boils the scum raises to the top?

Congress has time to explore the possibility of a single base ball player that may have lied about drug uses and no time to understand the TARP money used to save the financial institutions a couple years ago? For years the administration had economists  sit before congress and say the economy was fine. Then one week-end the banks needed 750  billions of dollars to save the banking systems around the world. Who needed it, who did it save, who did it profit? Who paid?

 GM is making profit now but it is hiring no one?

No time to investigate why the Army Core of Engineers have not really fixed the levees of New Orleans against a flood.  It is this the Army Core of Engineers that Congress wants and has designed?

Why a half billion raw eggs in this country are produced and laying around in warehouses?  The eggs are six months old but stamped eat in two weeks on the grocery shelves.

Our fighting force left Iraq this past week, but 50,000 soldiers remain along with of 72,000 contractors of the pentagon, daily on our bill as taxpayers. All lightly covered by media and ignored by most, unlike the start of this war.

The religion of Muslims, the brown skinned Mexican has replaced the Jews, the gypsies and the communists of the 1930's for the dominating Christians of the western world for this economic down turn.  We can paint the blame game with fresh paint for the failure of the free market system and the greed of the elite.

As Frank Rich points out in his NYT article Murdocks' News Corporation, Fox network,  the second largest investor in the business is a Saudi from the royal family.  Money of New Corp. recently invested in a Saudi media company. The hypocrisy does not end there, Petraeus is working to win Muslim hearts and minds while in the U.S. Muslims are called very filthy name in the book.  Maybe the whole smoke screen is really about some GOP politicians in NY that don't want a conversation about their vote against health care this election cycle.  Really it is not a mosque it is culture center and it is not at ground zero.  Fox hysteria again focus the country on the wrong issue.

 Ventura, Ca.  allows sleeping in the car, their ordinance is patterned after two other cities that have already worked out the details.  Welcome to the new American, the land of mansions and bedroom cars.

The free market will take care of these problems.  The money will filter down.  The rich will invest to create more jobs.  Please extend the tax break for the rich, this country has done so well with that plan.  The bedroom car communities can continue to grow.  Set up more the porta potties.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Black Rocks

           There is this young couple that purchased the house near us and it was clear to John and me that they were cashing in on the good fast loan money available a few years ago.   They rented out a couple bedrooms of the five bedroom house to friends the first few years, forgot to landscape the yard and worked really long hours.  As time past, the renters went and with a couple work Saturdays with friends help, some cast offs shrubs at the end of the season sale and from our yard, they started to landscape their lot.  A season or two later, too many bushes, a change of heart on my part, more bushes  went to  their yard. 

          Little conversations monthly happen early in the morning with the dog walking so there is a small details exchanged about our lives.  Mr. works as a grocery store manager and she is a state worker and they are the parents to the loudest four pound white dog on the street.  He is could be a star in an makeover dog show.  Recently, bad dog was joined by a new sibling.  Not sure what to will happen to the young one and if it will live. 

         It warmed my heart last fall as I saw the longest limo made come up to their house one morning.  I really thought must have something to do with the fact they are finally are getting married.  From my computer room I saw couple after couple arrive and gather and they all motored off.

         A week later Ms. told me it was a four day holiday in Las Vegas for a group of friends.  Good for them, limo to the airport.

         The couple has been employing a guy between jobs for the last couple months for yard work.  The guy has been doing a lot of detail work and we have had a couple conversations.  At first, I was afraid they were going to sell.

           Today the strangest thing happened , the gardener and his friend were removing black rocks from the property rain ditch  and after asking for the my wheelbarrow,  I asked what were they going to do with all those black rocks .

            My fruit trees now are of the Mediterranean style with black rocks at their base to gather the heat of the noon day sun and  reflect back  during the cool of the night.  I smile thinking about my warm trees.  Boy, life is good.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

system of economy

              Of course, the news covers big events and rarely senses the slow moving turns in society.  One of them came home to me yesterday.  Capitalism is as a system is running out of the fuel it needs to continue.

               The kiwis I bought yesterday at Costco were soft and mushy.  They were secure in a see though square plastic container but it never occurred to me to open up the box and feel a few of them before picking that box.  Shipped too far, sat in the store too long and this produce was fit for the chickens.  Add to the view of oranges I got a few weeks ago of blue mold, these are telling tales to me.

               As it happened yesterday, my son got a call from Costco offering 50% discount this year to rejoin.  The company has expanded their policy now to accept food stamps in this state.  The family conversation is, it is hard to get out of Costco without spending $100, the three households in this family are finding it better to simply not go shopping there and saving on the household budget.

               The business model that drives large warehouse type retailers if high traffic, impulse buying, low overhead and fast turnover with little mark up. With less traffic because the consumer want to spend less and avoid impulse buying they have cut employees to check produce which in turn has turned off shoppers like me.  My trips to this store dropped last year by 75%.
               A few months ago I was in Walmart to get a new watch band, the lady at the department was also in charge of the shoe department which she confess to me that she knew nothing about.  The little reported fact is that there are more farmer's markets in this country than Walmart Stores. The big box model of retailing is not working. 

               The direct connection between the farmer and the consumer is growing at 20% a year.  This model of economy is user friendly and  better for the  planet.  The consumerism of the last 50 years is out of date and the change is happening but the media doesn't report about it yet.  Daily the highlights are of a world gone out of control but I think there is also a world that is moving quietly by citizens that are changing things locally and the media hasn't noticed.  A new sense of community and less is better is the replacement model of the capitalist consumerism model.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Looking at other's gardens

          Saturday I ventured with two other women and we did some garden touring.  These were eatable gardens and all the focused on raising food.  This region has become very conscious about ecology, food raising and eight Olympians  'urban farms' open up there place for the public viewing. 

           One of the clever methods of making a yard look attractive from the street is the use of espalier fruit trees along the edge of the sideway screening the vegetable garden behind it.   Another added also a line of sunflowers.  These people are dedicated and serious gardeners.  But the fun thing is they include a sitting area frequently under an arbor of grapes as their resting shaded spot.  It become clean to me that the messiest part of any garden is the herb bed.  Those herbs are so necessary but they become raggy during the season.

           One community garden was outstanding.  Instead dividing the land into small little plots for each family they farm this plot together,each donating two or four hours a week of work time.  Then each week the family gets a set amount out of the ripe production.  They had a hoop house for tomatoes, egg plants and peppers but they also have long rows of potatoes, rye, quiona and every other popular vegetable.  I saw they also raised chick peas and soup beans.  These people are becoming very conscious about the calories needed for individuals and plan not just for how many pounds they produce.  The science of good soil is also figured in their yearly plan.  They are having the national speaker come in September, Jeavor for a one day workshop.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

31 years

           Today we celebrate 31 years of marriage.  We took a ride to the French bakery and settled on a piece of Chocolate Orange Cake--no Lemon Tarts today.  It is amazing I suppose, what is joyful at different ages.  It has been a wonderful relationship.

            I smile when I think of coloring my long hair that day 31 years ago and it was too dark, too black but I put it up and so I went on. My sisters said I looked fine, they were comforting.  The red germaniums placed around the yard, the immediate family gathered, the time was six, Steinbrink bought the judge and we wed.  The Murphy family was supportive and but Marge was resign, she finally lost her number two son.  The simplicity of the yard of the rented cottage really was a perfect spot.  The German baker has made petits foes  and I looked them with delight.  Surprisingly, I do not go to bakeries more than twice a year!  Guess weddings and anniversaries.




Time with books

         Two books that have given me some insight to myself in the last month are THE ART OF AGING  by Sherwin B. Nuland and SHADOWS ON THE PATH by Abdi Assadi.  The first is probably at your library and the second is a special order but worth it, with my second reading I will mark it with my highlighter.

          I listen to Nuland book, the first one, as a tape in the car taking John to the Y mornings but then turned around and got the hard copy to read. I am sure I have more to understand and think about.  In a way the whole book can be summarized

                   For age is opportunity no less
                   Than youth itself, though in another dress,
                   And as the evening twilight fades away
                   The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day

(final lines of a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "Moritiuri Salutammus")

          Those lines are the core of aging.  The sky is filled with stars unseen until later in life.  Perhaps no one explains this better than Nuland.  He talks of three key things, the connections and caring we experience for others, the physical awareness of our own bodies and creativity. All are very demanding, require work and bring immense rewards and satisfaction.  The whole book is fulled with interviews, stories of the personal nature and the author has very strong opinion how to age with grace and wisdom.  All of us are heading in this direction, I would have it required reading in college so the seeds of ideas has time to wait for the sun and rain and the night sky.

          The second book, SHADOWS ON THE PATH uses a word that is new to me shadows, in the sense of something on our pathway that is a dark spot or an area that we don't see.  It is a short book, it has no magic quick answers, it throws out more questions, suggests many healthy- looking persons are suffering and seaching for the center.

           Assadi explains throughout the book about his personal journey but also points out the 'ism' , the marketing of spirituality, the labels, the addictions of our day.  His most beautiful moment in the book is explaining Grace---not the Christian belief, the one from God, but another one which is surrendering to life.  Surrendering to circumstances that one is totally helpless.  Both of these Graces I have experienced.

             I find the book refreshing new.
          Ultimately, his message is we have to find our core, our SELF.   It is hard work and it takes years.  It is best for the world at large, our country, our family and our self.  Without this truth of knowing our true core it is the mayhem of today's society.