Tuesday, August 3, 2010

31 years

           Today we celebrate 31 years of marriage.  We took a ride to the French bakery and settled on a piece of Chocolate Orange Cake--no Lemon Tarts today.  It is amazing I suppose, what is joyful at different ages.  It has been a wonderful relationship.

            I smile when I think of coloring my long hair that day 31 years ago and it was too dark, too black but I put it up and so I went on. My sisters said I looked fine, they were comforting.  The red germaniums placed around the yard, the immediate family gathered, the time was six, Steinbrink bought the judge and we wed.  The Murphy family was supportive and but Marge was resign, she finally lost her number two son.  The simplicity of the yard of the rented cottage really was a perfect spot.  The German baker has made petits foes  and I looked them with delight.  Surprisingly, I do not go to bakeries more than twice a year!  Guess weddings and anniversaries.




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