Politically, some people are aware of what is at the stake with this fall's election. If the GOP take control of the House they have promise to use their majority power to investigate Obama and make Obama weak as a president so he loses the next election. The nation will be forced to relive the Clinton years of suffering the endless personal exploration of a personality and not the legislation of congress and the problems of a nation in crisis.
Other than a renewed effort to extend the tax breaks for the top one percent, the GOP, I have heard have no plan for the economy, no jobs program, no investments on the national scale to help the unemployed, no help to the states that are burdened with financial problems- if only each state had it's own currency and printing press!
The party of NO, GOP voted against extending the benefits for the unemployed, passage health care reform, any jobs program. The 99's will become what? Question is, what middle class person would vote against themselves, ones that can't stand the color of brown skin.
Glenn Beck, saint to the Tea Partiers, sounds like he just wants God in power and some how we will go back to this magical period of honor and greatness. My question what period was that? Beck's answer seems to be when white men were in charge. It was not about God in charge, God hasn't gone anywhere.
God did not free the slaves in this country, win the right to vote for blacks or women, end child labor, give forty hour week or create a pension plan. No paved roads, no equal education or chicken in the pot came from God, it was the hard work of humans. If I read my history it was a leader with dreams and a group of courageous followers that believed in a better future made these changes. Actually, it was a small percentage of people that made those miracles.
Thank you ladies, for my right to vote!
The good news and the bad news are shouting out today. Imagine a day when John Le Carre and Cuba's Castro basically say the same things. Bin Laden and Al Queda are CIA false front operations. Boy, are we dumb suckers in the American public? Add to that, Karzai has CIA agents in this cabinet. Reminds me of the old Three Stooges movie, who's on first? who's on second?
Imagine today, I realize that the true reason modern war will never work again is as simple as the camera on a phone? This century could be the shift in human history. Going from the sword to the gun to the tank to the bomb further and further away from the victim is the history of warfare. If you kill civilians, you have lost! In the eyes of the world, killing the women and children, you can not win a war. Now the world is fulled with cameras on cell phones recording all deaths. People have to be trained to kill, even mafia shots victims in the back of the head, they don't want to view the face of the dieing. Only two percent of the population, the psychopaths are emotional able deal with it. The camera are the eyes of humans watching.
I linked on my blog to a insightful lecture by Paul K Chappell, West Point Graduate, served two years in Iraq. He explores the future in a positive way with more hope that I have heard in years.
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