Monday, September 12, 2011

Adding Spice to my Life

It is amazing to find a book that is factual, material presented that is easy and quick to understand and at the same time takes a reader, that probably is new to the field, along a path to change.  That is the book I just finished reading.  HEALING SPICES HOW TO USE 50 EVERYDAY AND EXOTIC SPICES  TO BOOST HEALTH AND BEAT DISEASE by Bharat B. Aggarwal.

Let me share some gems from the book to beginning with and then I will wrote about the changes I will be making.   Top meal for a healthy heart---"dine on a serving of fish flavored with garlic and topped with slivered almonds.  Don't forget a side or two of vegetables.  Drink a glass of red wine with the meal.  And for dessert, much on an apple and a small piece of dark chocolate."

Or this one-----"The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a consistent pattern of protection--the more onions in the diet, the less cancer. Red, white, yellow onions, garlic, shallots and leeks are members of the family. Garlic is the 'anti-aging' food.  On of the world's most potent natural medicines."

Or this gem----The Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto showed that lycopene (tomatoes) prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, the the consumption of tomatoes and tomato products may offer a viable alternation to mediation for osteoporosis. 

Finally on the most important spice, Turmeric and the active ingredient curcumin.  Dr. David Frawley , "If I had only one single herb to depend upon for all possible health and dietary needs, I would choose the Indian spice turmeric."  As a folk remedy , it has been used to treat some 60 maladies.  Let me tell a personal one, it is about my left hip.  I am not bothered by it in the daytime but at night, the pain of it wakes me up.  I turn,  I have taken an assortment of pain killers, enyzimes but it became a fact to sleep with.  Until I read about the power of curcumin and it reducing inflammation.  I have personal proof of it's power.  Sometimes, I wake and wait to feel the pain, as if it is not possible to be pain free, then I realize there is no pain with that hip.  I am currently taking two 450 mg. first time in  the morning, then two more before bed.  The fact is that turmeric as no side effects so there is no limit to the amount one can take, the list of 35 prevent or/and  treatments of illnesses it can be used for is in the book. Many of them are written about.   The most important item I find is that it is called the guardian of the liver.  Everything we consume good or bad, makes a stop at the liver.  Curcumin keeps the liver healthy-------that is worth gold in terms our bodies.

I have made a list of new herbs that will be making their way to my cooking pots, some will be grown in my garden next year and my skills at making spice mixes will be on my schedule to practice this winter.  I enjoyed reading this book and and need it as a reference book so I have to purchase a copy.

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