Friday, September 9, 2011

The Anointed One

The other night during the debates I had a flash back to a C-Span book lecture I heard a couple years ago.  It was a WOW moment.

During the debate the question was asked of Perry about his record of the number of people he has allowed to be put to death in his prison system.  The audience cheered and applauded.  Perry without a moments pause answered with a firm he stands by the figures, is proud of it, he is without regret. 

WOW!  There is something very deeply missing or injured in that man's core.  Taking human life is against the most basic DNA of  our soul.  Sadly, this man has been invited by the Bilderbergers in 2007,  it would make sense to understand that big international money is betting on him as the anointed one.

The lecture I refer to was by a graduate of Westpoint, serviced in a war zone, taught at Westpoint, author a book about the psychology of making a man ready to go to battle.  It was a very sobering eye opening talk about how from WW I to the present day, the army has done such a good job of understanding the need to break down the basic human reluctance to killing another human -- the United States military is best killing machine ever known in history.  

Perry's answer made me think of that lecture.

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