Monday, September 12, 2011

Still Young

Thomas Jefferson is quoted as calling himself an old man but a very younger gardener, it is perhaps my favorite quote about gardening.  There is so much to learn about the whole process of growing plants that just about the time I think I understand that now, the weather for a particular season is totally different and it offers more challenge.   There are disappointments each year but also surprises that the earth gifts, without any work on my part. 

This year has I am calling the berry year.  The wild blackberries are so numerous that I picked another five pounds again last week.  Now that is a free gift from mother earth.  In my yard the blueberries have had a very good crop and that idea of planting different varieties so they ripen at different times has proven to be very wise.  One bush is still producing for me.  The surprise though now is the raspberries they love this late summer heat and I am giving plenty of water.   The first berry of the spring are the red strawberries that are the warmth and sweetness of the sun.  I have volunteers all over my year, thanks to the birds I suppose.  My bed is a favorite of the chickens and fortunately they clean the bed of bugs and weeds more than they are interested in eating the fruit.

My current plans are to have three hoop beds going for the winter months.  One will be mixed greens and two will be kale.  Another bed will go until maybe December with onions and Brussels sprouts.   There are always some herbs that survive during the winter and I do protect them on very cold night with a cloth cover.  They are want makes the soup or dish in the middle of winter smell so wonderful.

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