Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saints and sinners

At a large party a few years ago my Manitowoc friend looked at a woman across the room and said, "You see that attractive woman in blue, she married to our dentist, she had to get married."

I turned to my friend and said, "My God in Heaven, she is 70 years old and you mention something she did 50 some odd years ago! That is the sum of her life!" That is a cartoon of a personality. A few lines that one can draw that instantly make you know that person, big chin, small eyes, large head of hair. A cartoon is probably true in nature but is missing the three dimensions, the color, the light, the shadow, the frame and the texture of the surface of a painting. A cartoon is for the simple and small minded person.

All my life I have loved the stories of people and so history is naturally something I enjoy. I have been glued to the television for a half century at each state funeral, all Congressional hearings of note and the moon landing. It is the events of history and insights of human beings that teach me about myself. These tell me how heroes act and how cowards recoil and shrink.

For the last few days, I have watched in curiosity about the funeral of Ted Kennedy. Maybe I met him, I know that winter of '59 in Wisconsin I met his two brothers. All the Catholics in my village were afraid of John becoming president, something about being an American and a Catholic at the same time.

The cartoon of Ted was destroyed for all that listen the last few days. Those that had no interest in listening or believe in the cartoon are like my friend from Manitowoc.

Friday, August 28, 2009

when Irish eyes are smiling

There's a tear in your eye, And I'm wondering why,
For it never should be there at all.
With such pow'r in your smile, Sure a stone you'd beguile,
So there's never a teardrop should fall.
When your sweet lilting laughter's Like some fairy song,
And your eyes twinkle bright as can be;
You should laugh all the while And all other times smile,
And now, smile a smile for me.

When Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing.
When Irish hearts are happy,
All the world seems bright and gay.
And when Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away.

For your smile is a part Of the love in your heart,
And it makes even sunshine more bright.
Like the linnet's sweet song, Crooning all the day long,
Comes your laughter and light.
For the springtime of life Is the sweetest of all
There is ne'er a real care or regret;
And while springtime is ours Throughout all of youth's hours,
Let us smile each chance we get.

When asked why he worked against proverty, he asked, "Did you read the bible?"

Good Breeding

Our library is about the best I have ever visited in my years. I found a book on fruit. THE PERFECT FRUIT by Chip Brantley is charming, historical and loaded with facts that anyone that eats would enjoy reading. Then I found the author's blog and website and now that is bookmarked, Too important not to share with the world.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Different views

Sometimes it is hard to understand how the same locality, the same culture, the same religious training can produce such different reactions to the same situation. It is more that native intelligence and more than education, I believe it has something to do with curiosity and fear. Not enough of the first and too much of the latter.

A couple examples come to mind. Ironically, all the yoga classes I have been in besides stretching encourage spiritualism and inner peace. Universally approved, I assume by all thoughtful people. I have had acquaintances ask if in yoga class they teach religion. It is a Hindu discipline, foreign for some but universal peace and stretching isn't to any human being.

Afraid of the unknown, Karen Brown is a scholar on the religion and spirituality but is off limits by some friends and family. They have no idea what she says on the subject and fear their beliefs are not strong enough to take the exposure of her ideas.

Besides the religious tight rope around the brain I notice there is another one related to the idea that our American systems are the best in the world. It includes our work week, the health care, the materialism, the large houses and yard, the militaristic empire we have become. Perfection has been achieved right here and now on this planet in the way we do thing. Rigidly, they repeat what they have heard and have never had the curiosity to travel and see how other people living their daily life. Nor are some interested in of how the rest of the world views us as a culture.

The largeness of Walmart is an American example of excess. It has destroyed downtown villages and towns, home owned businesses that supported families in the communities for generations. Walmart has made one family very wealthy in Arkansas and given the Chinese a chance to go from 13 cent meal to a McDonald's hamburger. Along with our jobs and quality of merchandise this change has diminished our sense of worth. Sort of like the loaf of white bread that cost a dollar. It is more air than nutrient. Walmart fills our houses with stuff but of little quality.

Today's America is showing people frighten and unprepared for living anyway but with largeness. I am disappointed, at my age, to live in a country with such needy people. I find people lack basic skills, measure what is only best for themselves and not for the community or the less fortunate. Many just want to protect their share of largeness.

My view of the world is becoming foreign in my own country.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I read this morning that women are being blamed in some circles for this economic downturn. The thought goes women like the big house, they love to shop so it follows it is all their fault. Amazing to the point that I had to smile. Of course, they also shipped the manufacturing overseas, took all the steps necessary to open up the financial markets to greed and had the majority in the power structure to write the bills in congress and rule on them in the Superior Court. Amazingly, this fact plus the one that asked Conservatives in South Carolina if Hawaii is a state and 12% got the answer wrong. This is an issue about education. Our system is not teaching the ability to think or reason. Of course, Hawaii is not part of United States like women caused this recession!The news each day is a drip of more bad facts coming to light about the society that we have worked on, in the last fifty years.

I sat in the theater watching the new movie, JULIA AND JULIE and wondered my I love Paris so much. It is built to scale for humans I decided. The building are mainly four or five stories high not skycrapers, each neighborhood offers shops for all ones daily needs within walking distances and the choices are broad enough to make life interesting but not overwhelming. Yogurt is in small glass jars that are reused not large plastic tubes, crackers are in packages that will be used up before they are stale and cheese, oh cheese for the holiday, for the season and for the days of the year. Not our 5 lbs of the different three choices. They value conversations over long lunches, mother's staying home with young children and fathers spending Saturdays morning with children. Paris is the one place I could visit each year for a month.

The other thought I have had during the slow drip of bad fact daily is that for the last eight years I have been preparing for this moment. I had realized that all of this crazy world was on the way with President that lied, wars that were unpaid while tax breaks were given at the same time, a first in human history. Mortgage rates at one percent creating a housing boom and a market that moved with no relationship to production or earnings. I was building the largest vegetable garden of my life and putting in an orchard. All, at an age, my peers are talking slowing down, taking more prescriptions and fulling days with an assortment of time consuming activities.

I relate to Julia and her need to master something that gives meaning to her life. My garden, my yard producing my food and has been in the works for six years and it this is proving to have been worthy adventure. The figs are sweet, the blueberries are numerous and the tomatoes are hugh. My world is growing small but it is like Paris all within walking distance.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Health gardening issues

We got our print out of blood tests. It proves that good food makes for healthy blood. Our kidneys, heart, liver all in good shape according to our Dr. We are on the boarder line of Vitamin D. It is not the measure of sunlight, it is the blood level, the same as say Vitamin B. I have some tonic from Costco and we will start that daily.

One of the things that passed my eyes yesterday is new research show that getting the flu leaves long term damage to our brain, physically changes the brain. I found this research on Mother Jones and it was done by St. Jude's Hospital. Parkinson and Alzheimer results years later. The story reminded me of the research that showed stomach ulcers were the results of a virus and not caused by stress. The on going problem about our medical system is they make more money treating disease than finding the cause or prevention.

I guess I will really try avoiding getting the flu this winter.

The daily deceleration of culture and social order in this country makes me focus more and more my own family and small world of animals and plants. I realize that some people are frighten but the shocking thing is they have never thought for themselves and it is showing up now in a changing economy. They are turning to blame and violence instead of reason, discussion and community. I have a brother that would be homeless if it were not for the generosity of another brother taking him in. He is against health care reform with a public option. No one walking the earth, at this moment, needs the social support safety net more than him. He lost the ability to reason and think clearly is all I can assume.

My tomatoes are ripening slowly now. My winter kale is eight inches high and looking very proud. I can thank the chickens for that. Those ladies are going to add much to the vigor of my garden. The other seed starts are still indoors under the lamp.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Angels and Ancestors

How many minutes are there in a business week?

Yesterday, I matched up with the right minute and solved a problem that has been unsolvable for a month. I give credit to my ancestors or angels.

Doing a little research at a resale shop downtown Olympia because I had to fence in my chickens some how or I was to lose my gardening spaces to their habit of scratching and eating everything. I have play over in my mind the areas involved, the areas I could donate to them and the areas that I have to save for the bigger goal of growing my fruit and vegetables. Always it came up unclear to me.

An attractive couple were standing next to their van as the store owner shouted out to me, "hey, chicken fence lady, come here". I was crossing the street to get back into John's truck. As I approached the van, the shop owner was negotiating about the cedar wood and I saw a roll of chain linked fence.

"It isn't in the shop, so you guys can work out the deal, I am out of it." The young woman turned to me and said if you want fencing, we'll give it to you. I thought for a moment and could see my answer clearly. YES!

They drove across the street and lifted the fifty feet of fencing into the back of John's truck. I handed them $15 and told them to have lunch today on me. At first, they said no but then laughed and said it could be a delivery fee.

Driving home, John and I discussed the plan. Ken and Phil came over later in the afternoon and the space was marked off, steel role were pounded into the ground. Zip lock ties were used for the quick method of attaching and the new chicken yard was created. The ladies have a running space of about 8 feet by 40 among two peach and two plum trees. Lots of shade, clover and grass and a couple patches of dirty for bathing. Because the trees are dwarf trees the normal ugly fence is barely visible from the rest of the yard. Life is good for my ladies.

This summer, I tried each morning, as I walk Daisy to quite my mind and listen. Some people would use the term meditation for this, same thing. I believe wisdom comes from quiet moments and angels and ancestors watch over us and will help us if we are presence for them.

Yesterday, they put me in the right place for a minute.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Christians, revolutions and welfare queens

This morning I read that Warren Buffet is nothing but a Welfare Queen. He is gaming the system just like the insiders on Wall Street. Disappointing because he lost his power to help reform our banking system, his reputation for honesty is gone, lose forever. So is his power for good. Sad.

Blackwater owner, Prince, is being exposed as a murderer. His father's money started a couple right, fundamentalist Christian groups that had a strong impact on American politics. The history of this company and the work they did for the U.S. military is evil. Ranks right up there at the top of the historical list of crimes against humanity.

Why is it that Christian groups advocate for so much that is the opposite of Jesus Christ ? Their rules are the only rules, their reasoning is the only process of thinking about a situation, their Sunday country club is the only membership that is correct. None of it relates to the man that walked the earth and talked about a new way.

There are not right wing Hindus, Jews, Atheists out there shoving their politics into our face, forcing people to adopt a lifestyle or a moral code- they just want everyone to have a choice of living their individual lives.

Modern Christians are so far removed from Jesus and his teachings of the beatitudes that I am embarrassed for family and friends that call themselves practicing Christians. Even is they don't want to take care of the sick let others have health coverage with public option. Christians don't have to sign up! Send back your medicare while you are opposed to government plans, if that is the case.
Now they want to shut down public forms to discuss health care. Wonder what is in their hearts, is it the love of Jesus?

80% of the people that voted for McCain in the last election are the poorest educated in this country. 75% of the best educated voted for Obama. The birthers seem to be those people on the lowest step on the ladder and they can not face the fact that a black man with a scholarship education got to the White House. Who is lower on the step ladder now that a poor, white, uneducated male? Maybe those Mexicans. They can beat up on the them. It is talked about on some forms.

I am afraid that in the next few years the ignorant community listening to hate talkers on radio will assasinate Obama which could trigger a revolution in the streets of this country. There are enough guns to shot up this country population and start a revolution. Maybe it is the cleanse this country needs.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Reflections of a marriage

John was more fun, all things being equal.

I knew 30 years ago I wanted to be marriage again and I had dated many of the eligible men in Green Bay. The reason that John was most interesting to me was that he was fun to be with and had a active for each season of the year. Football games in the fall, cross country skiing in the winter and sailing in the summer, all of them were activities that were fun.

The two most endearing qualities of John are his kindness and loyalty. I knew of generous acts of his before I dated him so I was not surprised by that at all. John also have a reputation of many girl friends so the part about loyalty was a characteristic that on the surface was not known. It was there but only held for his family and his old friendships. Once you made into that level of his life, he was loyal.

I asked John last night if he remember our simple little marriage ceremony in front of my rented cabin 30 years ago in Ephraim. He has lost that picture in his mind. I describe for him how only our families were there. Thirty years ago there were lots of young people in the family. Then there was Dick Steinbrink and his lady friend of the week, who drove up the judge and his wife from Green Bay.

Two things made this wedding special for me. I had gone to Jerry's Nursery and purchased about a dozen red geraniums plants that I placed around the yard. The other little touch was the substitute for the wedding cake.

My sisters Ellen and Mary were living in the cottage that summer with my children. We had made most of the food for a simple table of finger food. I have ordered some small petite cakes from an old German couple that were bakers in Green Bay. I loved the look of those delicate cakes and in my mind it made my wedding a special moment. Those cakes and the yard filled with red geraniums.

Ken never wanted to wear a sport jacket or dress up but he had something nice on for the pictures. Susan always had one nice dress for each season the year that I bought at Alicia Children's Shop in Ephriam at the end of the season. I remember it being grey and tan dress that summer. Both of the children looked dressed for the occasion.

I shopped forever for the right understated dress and surprisingly found it at Al Johnson's shop in Sister Bay. It was a lite peach colored knit with a straight skirt and a v neck with long sleeves. My hair was long and I had colored it myself that afternoon. The color was too dark but I was not letting anything cloud my mind with disappointment so I ignored it and put it up. Only my sisters and I knew that it was too dark. My sister, Kathy, was always good with a camera and I look at those pictures of that day and remember feeling pretty.

John's marriage was a major event for the Murphy family. He had remained a bachelor so long and, even then his mother, was not looking at this event with joy only resignation. His brothers on the other hand were supportive along with the extended family that were not presence.

Over the years I probably have taken care of John more than the other way around. John's decisions making skills were hampered by fear of a mistake. My view of life is that time is limited and I have to make the most of it. I have therefore made most of our decisions in our marriage about our homes, travel or investments. John's loyalty to me allowed this to work. Often he feared change, frequently worried about reaction from his family but in the end, I could calm him down and he was supportive.

Each marriage creates a spirit that is totally new. Early in my marriage I realized that I had to find somethings from other people to make my life full because my curiosity was much larger than John's. I have gathered interesting people at different periods of life to full this need. I have pursued interests and studied to round out those needs.

He traveled the world with me but had little interest in any of it. He has seen far corners of countries, many museums, UN Hertiage Site around the global but in the end, it was the little child standing in front of him that charmed him the most. Maybe that is also the charm of John and why I still find him a wonderful man.

John does not remember our wedding or many details about our history but he still ends each evening by saying, "Well, I had a good day today. Got a couple things done. How about you? Did you have a good day? " After a short discussion, John always finishes the day with, " I love you".

We went to the Daisy Queen yesterday and got a ice cream cone, medium size. We both laughed about how wonderful it made us feel.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My yard

Partly it was the very hot weather and partly it are the chickens but my yard is changing. It is losing the look of an suburban manicured place to host gatherings. I noticed walking across the straw like grass that there is chicken manure all over the place. Maybe it's this the heat and we spend half of the time outdoors that we normally do but I am seeing a evolution going on this summer. All my lilies are in bloom at one time and the yard is a perfume factory. The lavender on the other side of the area is home to a hundred bumble bees at the moment.

We haven't been putting away tools this past month. Of course, there is a good reason for that, the shed is home to a hornets nest right inside the door at waist high and we are avoiding the trips to visit them. I believe in the balance of nature so it is hard for me to just kill all of them and the man that is professional in this field doesn't return my phone calls. Leaving the hand tools on the sides of the raised beds does save me the time and energy of getting them out each day. This evening between the bumble bees, the assorted other flying pollinators the garden has a concert of tiny noises. I recognize it as a balance of nature but at the same time I am turning over this property ownership to the creatures. May be it is the other way around, I am simply sharing their space.

The issue of the patio collecting these stains of the chickens and tiny feathers that are now floating around offers more of a look for a country home than a city house. I have also added a couple more watering stations to service the birds during this hot weather so the yard has more of untidy look, actually more of the Tuscan rental than a Olympian house.

On the west side of the lot we have put in the three poled t bars for the kiwis. Eventually it will look to the untrained eye like another grape arbor. I have plans to add four more raised beds toward the back of the lot next to the other raised beds. All gardeners know that rotation is the answer to healthy planting and I need more beds to achieve this. My passion for the garden grows with each season.

Books, egg and heat

I have just finished a book about ethnic American gardens by Patricia Klindienst. I was moved to tears a couple times because of the tales of immigrants and their determination to survive. THE EARTH KNOWS MY NAME is not likely to get a large audience but between the fine writer, she teaches creative writing at Yale and the research she has done for this book, it is a loss for all Americans don't read it, but especially for those that value working in the soil and enjoy the beauty of plants.

The book travels from one coast to the other, from culture to culture using the stories of ancestors, seeds and techniques to frame the common plot of all people. Besides the historical tales of the book, the author's own sensitivity and abilities are what makes this book so unique.

Another book that has caught my attention is SECOND SPRING. It is one of those pick up anytime, to read a few pages, type of book. Dr. Maoshing Ni gives hundreds of natural secrets for women to age healthy and vibrantly. I think I will buy my own copy and use it as a reference book.

A miracle happened yesterday, our first, blue, small egg. It was Autumn, the Americana laying hen that has started our official egg production.

The chickens has been surprising in a few ways. First, I never would have guessed that I would let them roam the yard as much as I do. We had a week of extreme hot weather and they needed to have the cool watered earth to dig into and also often make nesting places for resting. They move around the backyard in a system that shows they are staying out of the heat and bright sun. I also find them nosier that I would have thought. Now I have two families of crows that live in the woods over the fence so I am use to loud birds but these ladies of mine can also be very demanding of attention. The third item is funny but they love to pick at my red toe nails. Now I am on guard about that habit of theirs.

John has a new job because of them, he is on patrol with the shove a couple times a day checking out droppings on our patio. I will not write the monologue that is going on during these times. There are moments that the five of them stand at the back door, looking into the house, waiting to be invited in. That is all we can assume. We find them amusing but really for them to be waiting for that invitation is a bit much! Daisy in the meantime acts as if they are invisible.

Now daily trips to the coop have the added interest of looking for eggs. I will keep you posted on that count.