Monday, August 10, 2009

Angels and Ancestors

How many minutes are there in a business week?

Yesterday, I matched up with the right minute and solved a problem that has been unsolvable for a month. I give credit to my ancestors or angels.

Doing a little research at a resale shop downtown Olympia because I had to fence in my chickens some how or I was to lose my gardening spaces to their habit of scratching and eating everything. I have play over in my mind the areas involved, the areas I could donate to them and the areas that I have to save for the bigger goal of growing my fruit and vegetables. Always it came up unclear to me.

An attractive couple were standing next to their van as the store owner shouted out to me, "hey, chicken fence lady, come here". I was crossing the street to get back into John's truck. As I approached the van, the shop owner was negotiating about the cedar wood and I saw a roll of chain linked fence.

"It isn't in the shop, so you guys can work out the deal, I am out of it." The young woman turned to me and said if you want fencing, we'll give it to you. I thought for a moment and could see my answer clearly. YES!

They drove across the street and lifted the fifty feet of fencing into the back of John's truck. I handed them $15 and told them to have lunch today on me. At first, they said no but then laughed and said it could be a delivery fee.

Driving home, John and I discussed the plan. Ken and Phil came over later in the afternoon and the space was marked off, steel role were pounded into the ground. Zip lock ties were used for the quick method of attaching and the new chicken yard was created. The ladies have a running space of about 8 feet by 40 among two peach and two plum trees. Lots of shade, clover and grass and a couple patches of dirty for bathing. Because the trees are dwarf trees the normal ugly fence is barely visible from the rest of the yard. Life is good for my ladies.

This summer, I tried each morning, as I walk Daisy to quite my mind and listen. Some people would use the term meditation for this, same thing. I believe wisdom comes from quiet moments and angels and ancestors watch over us and will help us if we are presence for them.

Yesterday, they put me in the right place for a minute.

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