Thursday, August 13, 2009

Health gardening issues

We got our print out of blood tests. It proves that good food makes for healthy blood. Our kidneys, heart, liver all in good shape according to our Dr. We are on the boarder line of Vitamin D. It is not the measure of sunlight, it is the blood level, the same as say Vitamin B. I have some tonic from Costco and we will start that daily.

One of the things that passed my eyes yesterday is new research show that getting the flu leaves long term damage to our brain, physically changes the brain. I found this research on Mother Jones and it was done by St. Jude's Hospital. Parkinson and Alzheimer results years later. The story reminded me of the research that showed stomach ulcers were the results of a virus and not caused by stress. The on going problem about our medical system is they make more money treating disease than finding the cause or prevention.

I guess I will really try avoiding getting the flu this winter.

The daily deceleration of culture and social order in this country makes me focus more and more my own family and small world of animals and plants. I realize that some people are frighten but the shocking thing is they have never thought for themselves and it is showing up now in a changing economy. They are turning to blame and violence instead of reason, discussion and community. I have a brother that would be homeless if it were not for the generosity of another brother taking him in. He is against health care reform with a public option. No one walking the earth, at this moment, needs the social support safety net more than him. He lost the ability to reason and think clearly is all I can assume.

My tomatoes are ripening slowly now. My winter kale is eight inches high and looking very proud. I can thank the chickens for that. Those ladies are going to add much to the vigor of my garden. The other seed starts are still indoors under the lamp.

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