Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Christians, revolutions and welfare queens

This morning I read that Warren Buffet is nothing but a Welfare Queen. He is gaming the system just like the insiders on Wall Street. Disappointing because he lost his power to help reform our banking system, his reputation for honesty is gone, lose forever. So is his power for good. Sad.

Blackwater owner, Prince, is being exposed as a murderer. His father's money started a couple right, fundamentalist Christian groups that had a strong impact on American politics. The history of this company and the work they did for the U.S. military is evil. Ranks right up there at the top of the historical list of crimes against humanity.

Why is it that Christian groups advocate for so much that is the opposite of Jesus Christ ? Their rules are the only rules, their reasoning is the only process of thinking about a situation, their Sunday country club is the only membership that is correct. None of it relates to the man that walked the earth and talked about a new way.

There are not right wing Hindus, Jews, Atheists out there shoving their politics into our face, forcing people to adopt a lifestyle or a moral code- they just want everyone to have a choice of living their individual lives.

Modern Christians are so far removed from Jesus and his teachings of the beatitudes that I am embarrassed for family and friends that call themselves practicing Christians. Even is they don't want to take care of the sick let others have health coverage with public option. Christians don't have to sign up! Send back your medicare while you are opposed to government plans, if that is the case.
Now they want to shut down public forms to discuss health care. Wonder what is in their hearts, is it the love of Jesus?

80% of the people that voted for McCain in the last election are the poorest educated in this country. 75% of the best educated voted for Obama. The birthers seem to be those people on the lowest step on the ladder and they can not face the fact that a black man with a scholarship education got to the White House. Who is lower on the step ladder now that a poor, white, uneducated male? Maybe those Mexicans. They can beat up on the them. It is talked about on some forms.

I am afraid that in the next few years the ignorant community listening to hate talkers on radio will assasinate Obama which could trigger a revolution in the streets of this country. There are enough guns to shot up this country population and start a revolution. Maybe it is the cleanse this country needs.

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