Thursday, August 27, 2009

Different views

Sometimes it is hard to understand how the same locality, the same culture, the same religious training can produce such different reactions to the same situation. It is more that native intelligence and more than education, I believe it has something to do with curiosity and fear. Not enough of the first and too much of the latter.

A couple examples come to mind. Ironically, all the yoga classes I have been in besides stretching encourage spiritualism and inner peace. Universally approved, I assume by all thoughtful people. I have had acquaintances ask if in yoga class they teach religion. It is a Hindu discipline, foreign for some but universal peace and stretching isn't to any human being.

Afraid of the unknown, Karen Brown is a scholar on the religion and spirituality but is off limits by some friends and family. They have no idea what she says on the subject and fear their beliefs are not strong enough to take the exposure of her ideas.

Besides the religious tight rope around the brain I notice there is another one related to the idea that our American systems are the best in the world. It includes our work week, the health care, the materialism, the large houses and yard, the militaristic empire we have become. Perfection has been achieved right here and now on this planet in the way we do thing. Rigidly, they repeat what they have heard and have never had the curiosity to travel and see how other people living their daily life. Nor are some interested in of how the rest of the world views us as a culture.

The largeness of Walmart is an American example of excess. It has destroyed downtown villages and towns, home owned businesses that supported families in the communities for generations. Walmart has made one family very wealthy in Arkansas and given the Chinese a chance to go from 13 cent meal to a McDonald's hamburger. Along with our jobs and quality of merchandise this change has diminished our sense of worth. Sort of like the loaf of white bread that cost a dollar. It is more air than nutrient. Walmart fills our houses with stuff but of little quality.

Today's America is showing people frighten and unprepared for living anyway but with largeness. I am disappointed, at my age, to live in a country with such needy people. I find people lack basic skills, measure what is only best for themselves and not for the community or the less fortunate. Many just want to protect their share of largeness.

My view of the world is becoming foreign in my own country.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. I met a woman yesterday who told me some Catholics avoided yoga on religious reasons - I thought- aligning your breathing with your movement goes against Catholicism? There is always someone who looks to see evil in good.
