Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chickens on wet, dark,windy days

My chickens prefer to be outdoors on days that the comfort of the plastic covered pen or the coop would be my choice. The more I learn from my chickens the more I am beginning to believe that our modern life has robbed from us enough interacting with the natural world. For the next 24 hours we are could have wind gusts up to 40-50 miles per hour. The coop is rock solid but the added plastic cover pen in back of the coop is an issue. I remind myself in the middle of the night that the sparrows and robins are out there somewhere also.

The excitement displayed toward me any time the chickens see me is consistent, so I make a point of not disappointing them and always bring some greens, some rolled oats or kitchen scraps. This afternoon after throwing in a few leaves of kale I watched one of the chicken hold down the stem with her foot to better eat from the other portion. Was that an accident? Just how instinctive are their tiny brains?

The garden catlogs for 2010 are appearing as emails to me. I love to see what new seeds varieties they are promoting.

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